Truth: Anyone for a day?

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Venom: (bursts through door) WE GOT A NEW TRUTH!!!
Grimm: What is it?
Venom: LyraTheWolf1 asked: If you could be anyone for a day, who would you be?
Grimm: I would be Isaac O'Brian.
Digi: Who's that?
Grimm: That was me, before I got my powers.
Ivory: I would be whoever invented ice cream.
Sprite: I'd be Ivory, so I could have tons of fan girls!
Venom: I would be... Hm... Give me a second... Ed from the webcomic Paranatural! He's just so random!
Stitch: I would be Einstein!
Pic: I would be RJ from Paranatural. He's awesome!
Burst: I'd be J. K. Rowling. I've always wanted to publish an award winning series!
Digi: I'd be Foxy from Fnaf.
Volt: I would be Sprite.
Sprite: Why me?
Volt: I've always wondered what it would be like to pass through walls.

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