Promise and Possession

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Chester scrubbed the fluffy yellow towel over his head one last time before patting it down his chest. He was till getting used to how much less effort it took to get his head dry now that he didn't have any hair. It was just a quick swipe with a towel, and his fuzzy scalp was good to go.

He stepped over to the bathroom vanity and let out a long breath. It was good to be home, and it was even nicer to shower in his own space instead of the borrowed one back in Seattle. He'd let his shower time go extra long, and the small bathroom was full of steam and making his clean skin feel sticky. He turned around and opened the bathroom door, to let the cooler air from the rest of the loft in. Mike's upstairs anyway. He quickly glanced out at the living room and their kitchen table by the windows, before he did a 180 spin back to the mirror.

It was still fogged over, and Chester wiped away a space with his towel so he could see himself, before he spread it out over the edge of the granite countertop. He leaned forward, opening his mouth and picking at his teeth for a second. His focus zeroed in on his one top tooth that was slightly crooked, and spaced just a little too far apart from the others. I should have gotten that fixed a long time ago. Oh well. I don't think it matters now.

His eyes dropped down to his collarbone, and then his shoulders and onto his blue and red flame tattoos. I still can't believe Mike took Mark's deal. I never thought he would, not after the way he reacted when Mark offered it. It's good though, even if he didn't talk to me about it first. After what happened, I know he was just doing what he thought he had to. Besides, he knew I wanted to take it anyway, so it doesn't matter. His hand went up and over his face to his head.It's been such a fucked up week. I've been fucked up. At least we got our collar back from Mark. He's such a dick for even taking it. I put up with a lot from him, but that was just...that was crossing a fuckin' line.

He let out a long breath as he dropped both hands to the vanity. His fingers dug into the countertop. His eyes fixed on the mirror, partially on his naked reflection and partially on the open doorway behind him. Me and Mike need to really set some boundaries for the Real Series. No collar, that's for sure. And nothing in my kitchen. My kitchen...we're going to be done in a year. That means we're going to have to move out of here in a year.Chester's stern glare softened as his shoulders slumped. He pulled both his hands back to rest on the towel that was still stretched out across the vanity, creating a soft bumper between his naked bottom half and the cold, hard edge of the countertop.

It will take time to find a new place. We need to start looking. We need to start saving. Mark said we'd get a raise, so I should be able to finish paying off mom's debt, but we've got to be careful now about what we spend. And Mike wants to go to school. That's really expensive. His eyes flashed to the ceiling, like he could somehow see Mike up in the bedroom.I have to make sure that happens. He's given up so much, he deserves to go to school like he wants. Maybe he'll do like Jay suggested and play piano in one of the fancy restaurants around here after we're done at YRS while he's doing school. That would be a good job. God, I don't even know what I'm going to do. I can't exactly put that I've been doing porn for the last three years on a resume. Could I? Guess I could lie about it and put Jay down as a reference. That would work. He'd cover for me. Jay's talking about lawyers. He's going to leave with Ry next year, so I don't want to be around YRS once they're both gone. I don't know enough about the camera stuff to do that anywhere else.

Chester let out a huff. The air in the bathroom was cool now, and the sound of the vent running overhead was starting to get annoying. It was time to get dressed and go climb into bed upstairs with his boyfriend. It had been a long day, and he knew they were both looking forward to sleeping in their own bed. Screw it. I've got a year. We have a year to figure all this out. We just need to start saving, that's the big thing. And Mike needs to start his school. If we do those two things, everything else should be okay. He gave the mirror a soft smile as he checked over himself one last time. He pulled at his skin around his flame tattoos and then over his biceps, making his pale skin turn pink. It's so good to be home. It's weird to think about me and Sexy Boy living anywhere else but here. I love being by the ocean. I love our loft. I wonder if we could just start paying Mark rent and we could stay here? Would Mike go for that? I'll have to sweet talk him into it. I bet Mark would let us stay for cheap. Maybe. No telling what will happen after Jason leaves him though...I don't want to be around when that happens.

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