Seattle Part Two: Not So Sexy Drizzle

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Trying to wrangle a pack of twenty-something guys off a plane, out of the airport, and into the van they'd rented for the week, was no easy task. The flight had only been three hours long, but it seemed every single one of Mark's employees was having a bad attitude about it. Arguments over luggage and where everyone was sitting in the fifteen seat passenger van, had felt endless. Then there was the debate over food, and who was sharing rooms. To top it off, it was cloudy overhead, and rain had already started to drizzle. Every time Chester felt a drop of water touch him, he'd freak out, and Mark was already tired of it.

"It's not even storming, Chaz," he barked. "Just get over it. Now," he ordered as he looked at his gang of models as they stood on the top floor of the airport parking garage, with the sky over their heads, "I want everyone to get in the van, sit down and shut up. We're going to the house, we'll order food in for tonight, but then Brad will be cooking the rest of the time we're here." He made sure to make his voice extra gruff as he made eye contact with everyone. "Are we clear?"

He got a group response of "Yes," and head nods, and he was satisfied with that. "Brad, you're driving," he said as he handed the keys to the van over to the chef. "Jason and I will be leading the way in the car." He pointed at the black Jaguar he'd rented along with van. "Just follow us, we have the directions," he told Brad, who wasn't looking as sure about all of this.

"You want me to drive all of them?" the chef asked, shoving a nervous hand through his curls. "All of them?"

Mark let out a sigh; all this bickering was killing the buzz he'd gained from his few drinks on the plane. "That is how a van works. Just stay right behind us. We're going up in the hills, so we won't be in traffic for too long." He thought about patting his cousin on the shoulder, but the reflex to do so left him quickly and he headed toward the luxury car instead, pulling his one small suitcase along with him. All his other luggage was already stowed away in the van with everyone else's. "No one give Brad any grief!" he shouted over his shoulder.

Jason stood between the two vehicles for a moment, barely glancing at Mark as he got in the car. "Brad, it will be fine," he said, motioning toward the van. "It could be worse, you could be following Mark. At least I drive the speed limit," he added, rolling his eyes. "You all be quiet so Brad can think, okay?" He ran his eyes over the boys, stopping to look at Ryan before he cleared his throat. "Ryan, why don't you sit up front so you can help navigate, if we get separated somehow."

Ryan nodded without issue. "Okay, I can do that. I'll, uh, I'll keep my eye on you." His cheeks blushed for half a second before he shook his head. "I mean, on you both," he corrected, pointing a finger between his lover and the Jaguar. "Or, your car. . .I'll just be watching," he decided quickly before he turned away and cursed himself. He'd spent the duration of the flight constantly leaning over into the aisle, trying to catch a glimpse of Jason's elbow as he sat in his first class seat. And now he knew he'd be doing much the same. He'd spend the next hour straining to watch the back of Jason's head as they followed in the van.

With a nod, Jason turned away before he said anything else. Ryan was always cute when he was fumbling over his words. He was usually so smooth and self-assured, but not in the irritating, condescending way Mark was. In Jason's eyes, Ryan always came across as confident but not cocky. It was adorable when he stumbled on occasion.

Mike watched Brad slide into the driver's seat and start fussing with all of the mirrors. "You ready, babe?" he asked in Chester's ear. They'd been standing, huddled together while all of Mark's instructions were barked at them, and Mike could feel the tension in his lover's body already. "Looks like we're in the middle." He motioned toward the open side door of the van and tugged Chester along.

"I guess I'm ready," Chester mumbled, more to himself than to Mike. Riding in vans like this was something he'd done many times, but this felt different. He looked up at the sky, silently hoping the rain would go away and go away soon. We have to do the outside scene when we get there. Three hours on a plane and probably an hour in this cramped van, no food, and Mark's going to want us to look like a million bucks while we do it outside in the cold and wet. He shivered from the thought, or maybe it was the chill in the air, before he climbed up and sat down, next to Mike. He went ahead and strapped on his seatbelt while he blankly watched Amir get in next.

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