A Game for Two

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Mike knew he was hiding behind his menu, but he couldn't quite look directly at Chester yet. The menu was a perfect excuse to avoid eye contact and look like he was really just thinking about food at the moment - not Chester's kiss - but he didn't get past the appetizer section. Nachos were calling his name. I can't order nachos for dinner. He'd laugh at me. After all the shirt drama, he's probably expecting me to order something stupid like a salad. His eyes temporarily fell on a cheeseburger and potato wedges, and he decided anything with cheese would be okay. Which was why he really just wanted nachos. Spicy, melty, delicious cheese and crispy chips, some jalapenos on the side so he could add the perfect amount to each bite. Yes. He wanted nachos.

Chester looked over the top of his menu, his eyes settling on his date. I wonder what he'll order? I'm not sure we've really talked about food yet. Damn, these nachos look really good though. "So, on a scale of one to five," Chester said, setting his menu down on the table, "how hungry are you?"

From behind the menu, Mike thought for a moment before he answered, "I don't know. Is five the hungriest I've ever been and one is like, why are we even here?" He finally looked at Chester, a glimmer of amusement in his eyes. He'd never been asked to rate exactly how hungry he was on a date before.

Chester felt a blip of a smile press his lips as he watched Mike watching him. There were two levels for dining at the Skylight Gardens, and he and Mike had been seated on the lower level, which meant they got to sit close to the giant, potted tree-like thing in the middle of the room. It was draped in white Christmas lights, along with the railing that outlined the upper level. And right now, Mike's dark eyes were reflecting those lights, making them look like they were sparkling. "Five means starving," Chester said. "I'm only asking because I'm a five right about now, and these nachos sound insanely good." He pointed down to his menu at the picture of the gooey appetizer, which was big enough for at least two people to eat.

Mike's eyes flicked down to the picture Chester was pointing at for a moment before his face broke into a huge grin. "I love nachos!" he said. "I was totally looking at those and thinking about how amazing melty cheese sounded." For just a moment his excitement faltered, but then he bravely went on, "do you want to share?"

"Exactly what I was thinking," Chester assured him. "That's why I asked how hungry you are." He sat for a moment, letting the silence of their table surround them. Even though their date had gotten off to a rocky - and awkward - start, he was still having fun, and the thought of where the evening was going to lead was still exciting.

A waitress came up to their table a minute later, and Chester was quick to order an appetizer of nachos for them to share, along with a Cherry Pepsi. He nodded to Mike, a little curious over what his date would want to drink.

Flashing the waitress a smile, Mike said, "I'll have a Sprite, please." He looked back across the table at Chester, who had already turned his attention back to the menu, so he glanced up at the waitress and asked, "could we get some extra jalapenos on the side, as well?"

Chester's eyes darted up, just as the red-headed waitress walked away, promising to be back in just a minute with their drinks. "Extra jalapenos, huh? You like the hot stuff, I see."

Mike saw Chester looking at him with a mix of curiosity and amusement. "Well, each bite has to have the right amount of spiciness. I hate it when I get a nacho and there's no jalapeno on it. I mean, they should be more careful in the back when they are sprinkling those things on. You can't be haphazard about jalapenos. Having too many in one bite is just as bad as not having enough."

It was the first rationalized, well thought out argument for jalapeno distribution that Chester had ever heard, and it was enticing. He cares. He actually fuckin' cares about this kind of stuff. Chester nodded, giving his support to Mike's jalapeno analysis as he slipped his shoe off under the table, letting one alien sock free into the open air. Chester averted his eyes back down to the menu as he lifted his leg, rubbing his toes gently against Mike's pant leg.

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