A Hit to the Heart

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I want you dressed and ready when I come back in here, Jason. No wasting time this morning.

Jason stepped gingerly out of the shower, wrapping his towel around his waist and leaning against the door frame, resting for a moment. It was taking too much effort to get his body moving this morning. He'd already hit his max in terms of movement for the day. Creeping down the hallway after Mark went downstairs and stashing the ring Ryan had given him less than twenty-four hours ago in Mike and Chester's dresser had taxed what little strength he seemed to have. He knew he had to hurry in the shower after taking that dangerous detour, and his body didn't want to cooperate.

You belong to me. Do you understand? You're mine. I'm going to erase Ryan from your mind.

He winced as he shifted his weight, his hips and thighs and ass sore from last night. It didn't take much for the tears to come, leaking slowly from his swollen eye and fast from the one he could still see from. The distance from the shower to his sink wasn't far, but it seemed like miles the way he was feeling this morning. It's been a long time since he's been that angry. I was stupid, so stupid for saying anything to him last night. I don't think I can do this!

Jason felt the panic come over him again at the thought of firing Ryan. It was the only reason he was being allowed downstairs with his body battered as it was. He had to stand in front of Ryan and fire him, send away his lover, the only hope he could cling to at YRS. Mark had it in his head that beating him, that making him fire Ryan would end their affair, but Jason knew he was wrong. Somehow, over the months of their relationship, his fighting spirit had come back.

Ryan had made him see a future that was golden, not the bleak outlook he had when he thought of passing the years with Mark. Ryan had given him hope beyond YRS, when he hadn't been able to think of a life outside the confines of the big house in the hills. The house that felt to him like a prison. His stolen moments with Ryan had brought to the forefront how one-sided his relationship with Mark really was, how subservient he had become. It had all seemed normal, the expectations Mark had, the defined roles in their marriage, the demands that Mark placed on him to turn the other way when it came to indiscretions and moral issues. Until Ryan summoned enough courage to defy Mark and kiss Jason that first time, there had never been any question that Jason would stay with Mark until the end. Even after that first kiss, it was a while before Jason started to believe he was worth something more than a life as Mark's trophy, but now he knew. With complete clarity, he knew he was meant for more than being trapped in a marriage where he was a possession and not a partner.

He dropped the towel to the floor and ran his hand up his naked side. The crescent shaped red breaks Mark's nails created last night had blossomed small bruises, and there was another bruise, an uglier one on his ribcage. I don't even remember that. I must have hit the dresser harder than I thought. He couldn't summon the courage to look at his face. He knew it was bad just from how it felt.

He stepped into his underwear, then pulled on his dark gray dress pants, sliding his belt through the loops and leaving it open so he could tuck in his shirts. The white undershirt was next, then a pale pink button down shirt, smoothed into his pants and flattened over his stomach. He buckled his belt, then buttoned the cuffs of his shirt. Leaving his collar open, he started to comb his hair into place, trying his best to ignore the black and purple across his left eye.

Jason had just picked up his socks and was starting for the bedroom when the door opened, and Mark was back. Ignoring him the way he always did after a night of rough sex and possession, he hobbled his way over to his chair to put on his socks, sitting down extra carefully.

Mark watched his husband sit down with a wince. The new day had brought the calm with it, just like it always did. Mark put his shoulders back, and strode across the room, moving behind Jason's chair. "I brought you your coffee," he said, his voice flowing out gently as he sat the steaming cup down on the desk. "I know last night was rough," he admitted before kissing the top of Jason's head, and inhaling the clean smell of his shampoo. "But it's a new day, Jason. Things will be better from now on. You'll see."

Devil's DropOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora