Chapter 3 : The initial lie

Start from the beginning

she saw me with wide eyes

"i..i mean stop hanging out with each other you know " i said with a sheepish smile.

After finishing our dinner when we were just about to leave Nicole came in between and said "how's the work going on partner?" with a smirk

"I already have told you that i'm no-"

before i could finish my words she pulled me to her and whispered in my ear "do as i said or i will make your living worse than hell in this university " she pinched me tightly on my cheek and waved me bye from her shoulder with a devilious grin.

"what was that for?" jill asked to me

"no..nothing ..come on let's go to the dorm" she nodded in reply.


I was working on that project now when Jill said" hey Grace, thanks a lot for the advice , your the best"

I flipped my head to her side and smiled " it's no problem ,that's what friends are for , i guess we are friends huh?" i asked nervously.

"Of course cherry pie we, are friendssss" she squealed and jumped from her bed on me to give me a hug.

I really feel great ,finally after five years i have made a friend. I smiled and detached her from me and said "it's late Jill you must sleep"

she nodded and said" you too should sleep ,it's late "

"I will.. you catch some sleep or you will generate dark circles" i said while pointing under my eyes.

" oh my gosh i gotta sleep ,thanks friend " she said and went to her bed for sleeping. She freaks out whenever its about het beauty.

I have to stay awake till 3 at least to gather all the resources for this project.

I got up in the morning with my head laid on my study desk and a pen in my hand.Jill was already up and she left the window open because of which i could see the clear weather today ,

the warm sun felt like oxygen to my skin as they came inside through the window.

Jill came out of the bathroom in her towel and said "lazy morning isn't it ?" i nodded in reply.

"what day is today?"

"saturday" she said while slipping her sweatpants and a tank top

that means no college today , i can study whole of the day

"where to?" i asked

"Grace, my aunt called me she said she's coming here to pick me up for doing shopping for her because she loves my choice. But please do one thing "

she handed me a list along with some money and said "these are some of my utilites ,i had to go to the departmental store nearby ,just pick up these things for me , i would have ask Tom but you know.."she said with sad face.

"hey! It's okay i'll get these , i had to get some things for me too" i said while inspecting her list .

she wrote five packs of tampons . I can't stop laughing mentally.

"You're the best i'm leaving now bye" she said while hurrying towards the door and slipped out.

I got up from my chair and went to bathroom with a towel
soft towel.

After taking a long shower then brushing my teeth i wrap the towel around me and came outside in the room.

i see weather is good today so i decided to wear a jean shorts and a normal tee . I blow dried my brown hair and left them open today as i'm not in the mood to make any hairstyle.

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