In a resort island like Okinawa, hospitals were scarce and no medical center knew of symptoms as bizarre- coughing blood, a very high fever, weakness, dizziness, and some paroxysm of emotions.

"Mr. Karasuma! As we expected, it's no use! Even when we play the government card, the hotel just responds with the claim of privacy protection," One of Karasuma's assistant called, and Karasuma sighed.

"I figures,"

"It does?"

He had a grim look on his face, "That mountaintop hotel is a noted site for illegal negotiations."

"A remote island in the southern sea? Couldn't ask for a better location." Bitch-sensei remarked.

Whoever had poisoned the food probably knew of the detail and used it to his advantage. It was as Karasuma-sensei expressed, they were in a tough situation, and if the antidotes weren't retrieved by the given time... Nagisa didn't want to think of the consequence.

To top it off, the mystery perpetrator had demanded for the two shortest students of their class, of whom were Nagisa and Kayano both. Kayano seemed terrified to say the least, rightfully if Nagisa said so himself.

"We'll work on treating the symptoms for now, you'd better hurry off to the trade spot,"

Saying that Takebayashi and Okyda stayed behind while Nagisa and the rest healthy students were driven off to the said trade spot. Not exactly the hotel directly, but they were taken to a more subtle area to enter the hotel scouted by Ritsu.

"It's so high,"

Just a problem that the hidden route consisted of a huge rocky cliff.

Nagisa gulped, just marveling and wondering how they could scale the cliff. Sure they'd trained in a similar landscape, but the rate of accidents happening was at a minimum at the time, and this situation was a polar opposite. There were still bruises here and there because of the rigorous exercises Karasuma-sensei assigned, even on the basis of that, this was a lot.

Koro-sensei finally spoke, "If you don't want the enemy to get his way, there's just one thing to do! Not counting the ten patients and two left behind to take care of them, all capable students must sneak in from here, get the jump on the guys at the top and steal the remedy."

"It's too dangerous," Karasuma swiftly negated his point, "The ease with which he threatened us indicates that we're up against a real pro,"

Bitch-sensei observed the rock face before folding her arms, "They'll plummet to their deaths before they reach the hotel,"

If they looked at the cliff closely, they'd realize that the landscape was not different from what they trained on. Nagisa's mind was already circling at the ledges and protruding rocks that he could hold on to climb. Karasuma-sensei had trained them good. They could use those skills to be the ones assuring the teachers today.

"Nagisa-kun, Kayano-san, I'm sorry but-" It seemed that everyone had the same idea, grabbing onto the ledges and hoisting themselves up without waiting for him to finish his words.

As always, they were led by Isogai. "Well, I mean, if the ledge is a problem, this part's a piece of cake, especially compared to our usual training. Right? But we haven't practised fighting an unknown for in an unknown hotel, so Karasuma-sensei, it won't be easy but, could you be our commander?"

"We'll make that jerk pay for messing with us!" Terasaka loudly declared.

His face was lightly tinged with surprise before he collected himself and said, "Attention! Our objective is the top floor of the hotel of the summit! Our mission will shift from stealth infiltration to a surprise attack! We'll use the same signals and link ups from training! The only difference is our target! You have three minutes to memorize the map. We begin at 9:50!"

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