Chapter 18 : Only the first day

Start from the beginning

"Are you kidding me? We're going to stay in some godforsaken hole out of town where there's not even any shopping?!" I rented a rental car as soon as we got out of Don Muang airport. Not wanting to take a minibus with too many passengers because I didn't want Jennie to embarrass us, so I decided to rent for the stay. 

She had her face glued to the window looking out at the small lanes we passed through. As we drove through the center, Jennie became excited as she saw the lively neighborhood with its shopping malls and restaurants. I was sorry to break her dance of joy when she saw that I hadn't stopped.

"You didn't really think I was going to stay at a five-hotel hotel with a pool and spa," I sarcastically said which I earned a glare from her. 

"Are you taking me to a place where nobody lives so you can fuck me screaming day and night?"

"No, Kim," 

"I told you not to call me Kim but Jennie. By the way, I still don't know your first name?" she shifted her position in her seat to make it easier to talk to me. I remained silent thinking that she would give up the idea to annoy me herself, but of course, it was only a dream, "Hello??? Is it someone there?" she shouted near my ear.

"Don' My name is Lisa so now shut up until we arrive," I hit my forehead against the steering wheel at a red light.

"Okay Lisa, I'll be quiet now," she innocently smiled and took her phone from her handbag. Worst-case scenarios popped into my head the closer we got to the house. How was I supposed to survive when I had Jennie with me. I had to be on my guard until the end of the stay, hoping she wouldn't do silly things like posting on the social networks that we had spent our holidays together. The last thing I would want is to have the supervisors on my back asking me to explain myself.


A little girl wearing flowered pants and a tank top showing her tiny round arms that you would want to bite, ran towards me as soon as I got out of the car before jumping into my arms. 

"Arissa! You've grown so much," I said in Thai, which provoked a laugh, "Are you still making fun of my accent?" I pretended to scold her, crossing my arms. She immediately put her arms in front of her in protest.

"No, it's not! I think you're speaking better and better!" I couldn't help but smile at the 6 years old when I saw how adorable she looked with her broken teeth. A few years ago, my Thai was terrible. I wasn't used to practicing the language since I spent a large part of my life in Korea. Even if my mother taught me a few words, I never retained them because I didn't practice.

"Arissa! Don't tell me you're already bothering Lisa, she just got back from a long trip. Let her rest first," Tong, the father of Arissa said walking out of my house with her wife, Pang, beside him. 

"Tong, Pang! You're getting younger and younger! How are you?" I took them one by one in my arms. I hadn't seen them for so long. Tong and Pang were my second family, they took care of me as if I were their own daughter.

"We're doing fine, thank you. But look at you! You're glowing, my love!" she held me by my shoulders, spinning me around so she could examine me. Since she was smaller than me, she had to tiptoe so she could reach me.

"And who did you bring with you? Is it your girlfriend?" Tong grinned. I panicked for a few seconds before I realized that Jennie didn't understand Thai.

"What? No! She's only... a friend, yes a friend," I tried to hide my panicked face because I couldn't see myself explaining to them how I was able to come to my private place with one of my students, "Jennie, come here. This is Tong, Pang and Arissa. It's the family taking care of my house while I'm away,"

"Nice to meet you, I'm Jennie," she bowed and sweetly said. 

"Lisa, Lisa," Arissa pulled the sleeve of my shirt so I could squat, "She's so pretty! Is she your girlfriend?" she wispered in my ear making me blushing for the second time. 

"No sweety, she's my friend," I kissed her cute little nose and pinched her chubby cheeks. 

"Behave Arissa," her mother scolded her and gave an apogetically smile to me. 

"Let's go in the house. Pang has just made dinner, let's hurry before it gets cold," we headed home with our bags. A cool wind caressed my face and I closed my eyes to breathe in the air. I felt at home with this landscape and the beautiful vegetation that surrounded the village. I opened my eyes when Jennie gave me a nudge.

"I know the kid asked if I was your girlfriend. You could have said I was a special friend," she winked at me before entering the house before me. I shook my head before following her inside. I was speechless at the sight of the decorated house. It was everything I liked, simplistic but with its Thai style. But I was forced to interrupt my exploration because Pang had called me to sit at the table. The five of us were eating around the table enjoying the best Thai food I have been craving for years. They seemed to like Jennie. They sometimes told me in Thai that they found her adorable and it is true that I enjoyed watching her talk about her life in Seoul. The little family spoke a little English, which made communication easier. It was the first time since my arrival in Thailand that I felt like it was a holiday.

"Jennie? Guestroom for you, here. Ask me you need something," Pang's English was lovely and Jennie seemed to agree with me.

"Good night p'Jennie," Arissa shyly said kissed on her cheek. Jennie looked at me confused because she probably hadn't understood what Arissa had said.

"It means Jennie unnie," her mouth formed an 'o' and quickly nodded her head before waving at the little girl who was holding her parents' hand. Tong explained to me how the control panel works before saying good night and left the house. I closed the front door and the back door and went back to my bedroom where I found Jennie standing against the wall with her phone in her hand. She was still in her businesswoman's outfit, I thought she took a shower while I was talking to Tong.

"Do you need anything by any chance?" the guest room was at the end of the hallway and there's everything you need in that room. However, Tong and Pang had provided everything, but maybe she needed something else. 

"I was waiting for you to shower and then go to bed," she casually said while typing on her phone. 

"I said that your room is over there," I pointed to the varnished wooden door. She took a quick look as if she hadn't seen it yet.

"I know this is the guest room, but am I a guest, no. So I don't see why I should sleep there," she was looking at me as she wanted to know how long I was going able to be calm. She wanted to test my limits until the end of the day. 

"You know what Jennie? Shut up and do what you want because I'm tired and all I want to do is sleep," I pushed the door unbuttoned my shirt and threw it on the floor. Jennie followed me silently behind before she placed her arms around my waist.

"All right, but let's take a shower first. Please Lisa..."

Telling me that it was only the first day and I was already over the edge. I doubted that I was going to have a relaxing vacation, my days were probably going to be harder than at university. And that was only the first day.

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