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Your pov.

It hasn't been so long since news broke out about the incident at USJ. I bet auntie heard about it, but she never bothered calling to see if I was okay. Talk about being lonely. I was now at school, and it was the middle of lunch time. I grabbed my backpack, and saw the yummy forbidden food I bought the day of the attack. I smiled when Kirishima, and Kaminari came over.

"Hey y/n. What ya got that's making you so happy?" Kaminari asked.

I took out a bag of chips, "I got the forbidden food!" I said.

"What do you mean 'forbidden'? You can get those at any store." Kaminari asked confused raising an eyebrow.

"You don't understand. It is forbidden." I said.

"Well okay. Me and Kaminari will be in the cafeteria if you need us." Kirishima said.

"Okey dokey." I was able to talk to everyone in class now. Not to loud, not to quiet, not to much, but here and there.

I was now alone in the class. Not even two minutes later I grabbed my backpack, and walked around. As I opened the door I saw Katsuki.

"Katsuki! Thank goodness you're here I need to show you something!" I said as I grabbed his hand pulling him inside the classroom kind of pushing him, and closing the door.

"Hey watch it you idiot!" He shouted.

I smiled as I put my backpack on the nearest desk. He came closer, and I opened it up.

"Man you really are an idiot." He said in an angered tone. "Way to waste my time! Don't ever waste my time again!" He shouted annoyed.

I looked down, but then looked him in the eye with a smile. "You don't understand." I shouted slightly jumping.

"What do you mean I don't understand? All I see is a backpack full of junk food." He said.

"I was never allowed to eat this kind of stuff. I want to share with someone. I would share with Kirishima and Kaminari, but they're in the cafeteria. Please have some with me." I said.

"No." He said.

Katsuki's pov.

When she looked down at the ground I took something from the bag. I slowly opened without her knowing it. Dang, I can't believe she's never had chips, or candy.

"But Katsuki, please? I want to remember sharing these with-" I cut her off by shoving a chip in her mouth.

"Just shut up and enjoy then them." I said.

Her eyes light up as she jumped clapping a couple times.

"It's so good!" She shouted.

She grabbed another chip from the bag, and forced my mouth open putting the chip in. I chewed on the chip, and swallowed it. I grabbed her hand, and looked her dead in the eye.

"Don't ever do that again." I said in an angry tone.

We continued looking into each other's eye. But she snuck her hand back in the bag, and ate another chip. After she did she just laughed.

"You should smile more often." She said.

"What did you just say?!" I shouted.

"You just smiled. You have a really nice smile." She said as she continued enjoying the junk food.

Dang she was cute I probably smiled on accident. Wait did I just say she was cute?

Your pov.

Not gonna lie Katsuki is pretty hot. Dang I was attracted to him on the first day of school. I just pushed my feelings aside though. One: because this is the first time I feel this feeling towards someone, and two: because I never thought people in my class were going to notice me.

We continued hanging out the rest of lunch, and finished all the junk food.

Time skip...

School is now over. Everyone else went on ahead, but both me and Katsuki were stuck on cleaning duty. As we were walking towards the gate I smiled as I talked to him. It was actually nice talking to him because it was so easy, but my heart would beat really fast when I looked at him, or when he was close. I'm probably just sick or something right now.

"You know what I'm going to give you a nickname." I said.

"Oh really now?" He asked.

"Yup yup." I said. "Midoria would call you Kacchan, and you would call him Deku. So I can call you Kacchan. But I want to be creative." I continued.

"Don't talk about that damn lame nerd." He said annoyed.

"Oh! How about I call you BAKA-go?" I asked.

"No." He said.

I was in the middle of thinking when we got near the gate, and saw someone waiting by the entrance of the school. She had very short dark hair, she had bangs that covered her left eye, with a strand of purple hair, she had fair skin, she was wearing a deep res lipstick color, she was wearing a tank top with a black leather jacket, some ripped skinny jeans, and a pair of heels.

"Hey kiddo, remember me?" She asked.

I looked at her confused as I got closer to Kacchan, and held onto his sleeve.

"Come on kid I'm your aunts friend. She called me to come check up on you." She said. "Should I tell her you have a boyfriend now?" She asked.

I quickly shook my head.

"I-It's not like that." I said as I continued holding onto his sleeve.

"Oh no. You're back to your stuttering habit? I thought I helped you with that kiddo." She said.

"I-I think I remember you now." I said. "You're my aunts friend that owns that one club right? I heard you changed the name a couple times." I continued.

"Yup that's me." She said with a smile.

"It was nice meeting you again, but I have to go now. It is a school night." I said.

Kacchan started walking and so did I.

"Alright we'll be seeing each other a round more often then." She said.

Me and Kacchan continued to walk. I want to tell him, but I can't. I can't tell anyone. Then it'll be like all those other times. And maybe I should tell Kaminari and Kirishima that the quirk I told them about was fake. I don't have a air quirk at all.

"Are you ready for the sports festival tomorrow?" He asked.

"Sports festival?" I asked with a confused expression.

"You don't listen in class do you?" He asked.

"Nope." I respond.

"Then how are you ranked number 4 in our class?!" He shouted.

"Well you see sir seat wise in the very last one. But academic wise, I eeny meeny miny mo the test/quizzes." I said.

"How does that make any sense at all?!" He shouted and I just laughed.

The Hot Head Feels Too: Katsuki Bakugo x reader (request)Where stories live. Discover now