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Your pov.

"She'd be better off dead. I will never love that hideous monster! She isn't worth my time! She will never be worth anything!" She shouted.

I'm the monster? Maybe you, and him should look at yourselves because you guys aren't any better. Treating a four year old like some sort of weapon, some sort of monster. I didn't want this.

"Y-you want me to take care of her?" My aunt said.

"I don't want her, but I also don't want her to be with him, or our parents. I tried asking the others, but they're scared of her as well." She said.

"B-but-" Auntie was cut off.

"You're right I can just leave her somewhere!" She shouted.

My aunt looked shocked at what she said. I walked into the room and looked at the both of them. There was only silence. I pointed at my stomach trying to signal that I was hungry. But I was just ignored. I just walked to the kitchen preparing myself some food. I burnt, and cut myself multiple times trying to learn by myself.

"You're really not going to make her anything? She'll starve. She's so quiet, and she shows no emotion. A child her age should be laughing, smiling..." my aunt stopped. "Does she even go to preschool?" Do you guys teach her how to talk? That's probably why she's so quiet." My aunt continued.

I decided to make them some tea. So I took two cups full of tea to them carefully. I carefully put down the cups of tea on the table they were at in the living room.

"Oh, um... thank you." My aunt said.

She didn't say anything, and I continued to stand there. My presence is annoying to her.

"To answer your question from before sister. That man has been teaching her his view, and visions." She said.

"You can't be serious. Just look at your daughter! She shows no emotion, she doesn't talk, she seems like a robot! This is wrong! Just look at her! She's covered in bandages! Wait, and I'm bruises? Her clothes have wholes in them! Her hair is a mess! And she looks so malnourished! Do you not have a heart to see your own daughter this way?!" My aunt shouted.

"That good for nothing monster will never be my daughter!!" She shouted as she grabbed her hot cup of tea, and threw it at me.

End of dream...

I woke up breathing heavily. I looked around, and saw that the only person left was Kacchan.

"What's up with you?" He asked confused.

"Nothing. Let's just join the others." I said and started getting out of the bus.

I had a smile on face, but of course it was a mask. For some reason I still hope that someone can see past my mask.

"Y/n." Aizawa said. I looked at him, "We have some gadgets for you inside the building. They should be handy so don't worry about how tuff we will judge you like everyone else." Aizawa continued as we walked inside to see pro hero 13.

"Actually Aizawa I don't really want to be judged or treated differently. I want you guys to judge me as if I had an actual quirk no matter how hard the judgement it. It will be the only way I can improve." I said.

Apparently I said that to loud because 13 responded, "That takes a lot of guts to say, but you're right. It will be the only way you can improve. Now I will start by saying a couple of things." 13 continued to talk, but I started to hide my gadgets in my costume, mainly in my boots.

The Hot Head Feels Too: Katsuki Bakugo x reader (request)Where stories live. Discover now