"Did someone hurt you?" I asked as I tried not to show my anger.

"It's nothing, I got into a fight with these three girls, one of them was called Tiffany. She slammed me against the lockers and I think my shoulder is dislocated. But I still managed to beat the crap out of her and her two friends." She explained with a satisfied smirk.

I sat breathing deeply as I thought about one of my pack, Tiffany, harming my mate. She was going to pay for that. I would make sure of it.

"Are you okay?" I was snapped out of my thoughts at the sound of my mate's worried voice.

She had turned to face me properly and it took all of my will power to not run to Tiffany right now and tear her apart for what I saw. The left side of my mate's face was covered in in blood from a gash on her temple, the blood was dripping down the side of her face.

I was clenching my fists as I tried to stop myself from phasing then and there. I gently reached up and carefully brushed her hair back so I could see how deep the wound was.

"I know it looks bad but I'm fine." She reassured me as she saw my gaze on her wound.

I clenched my eyes shut in an attempt to stop my wolf from gaining control. But it was when I felt my mate's hand on my shoulder that my eyes snapped open, it was as if her touch had magically calmed me down and rooted me to where I was sitting.

"Seriously, are you okay, Ryder?" She asked and I smiled when she said my name. It sounded perfect coming from her lips.

"Yeah I'm fine." I said, not wanting to scare her by seeing me angry.

"Good. So what are you doing down here? Have you been sent to see the principal too?" She asked.

"Yeah I have." I told her, I felt bad lying but I couldn't tell her that I was an alpha and my father told me he needed to see me. "Why have you been sent here?"

"Tiffany blamed me for starting the fight so here I am." She told me and I frowned.

"But she started it." I argued.

"Yeah but I did inflict a lot more damage on her and her friends so I don't mind, it was worth it." She grinned.

I chuckled, feeling quite impressed and proud that my mate had fought three of my pack members and won. She was going to be a great Luna. I grinned.

"Why are you grinning?" She smiled making my heart melt.

"No reason, I'm just impressed that you can fight."

"Well, my dad is very over-protective of me so he had me trained in kick-boxing, boxing and martial arts; he wanted to make sure I could handle myself in a fight. I also compete in Mixed Martial Arts tournaments and I'm now a British champion." She grinned proudly.

I was so happy learning more about her and the more I learned the more I could feel myself bonding with her.

"Do you do any fighting?" She asked as she looked at me. "You have the body for it." She winked.

I laughed. I never knew she had this confident and flirtatious side to her; and I liked it.

"I do boxing and general fighting but not in competitions." I told her.

"Cool. Very cool." She nodded.

"So I hear your dad is our new ice hockey coach?" I said, after I remembered what one of my pack had said.

"Yes, Coach Martinez." She laughed. "He's a great coach. He taught me."

"You skate?"

"Ice Hockey, yes, but just for fun." She sighed. "There are no girl ice hockey teams to join so I can only do it as a hobby but my dad loves me doing it because it's our way of spending time together."

"You really love your dad, don't you?" I said, seeing her small smile.

"More than anything. He does everything for me; protected me, raised me, loved me. And after my mother died he did everything in his power to make me happy."

I smiled at her warmly. Soon, I would he the one protecting her, loving her and making her happy.

"He's lucky to have you." I told her.

She smiled genuinely, "I prefer to think of it like I'm lucky to have him."

We sat and talked for the next ten minutes but time seemed to be flying and before I knew it the principal's office door opened, stopping my conversation with Rory. My father walked out after shaking the principal's hand.

"Aurora Martinez?" The principal asked looking at my mate. Aurora?

"It's Rory." She glared. Wow, she has guts to glare at the principal like that.

"Come on in, Miss Martinez." He sighed as Rory stood up and moved towards the office.

I felt my wolf whimper and my father looked at me curiously.

"I guess I'll see you later, Ryder." Rory said with a warm smile before she walked into the office leaving me grinning like an idiot as my father chuckled.

"Lewis called me earlier telling me you found your mate but I didn't believe him. But now, after seeing you interact with her, I know it was true." My father said before he pulled me to stand up before hugging me.

"Congratulations son." He told me making me grin.

"Thank you, father." I said as he released me.

"You do realise your Mother is going to want to meet her as soon as she finds out." He laughed making me groan.

"I know, I know. But I'm not going to rush her, she's human so I want to take it slow." I told him.

"That is for the best. I already told the principal through mind-link not to punish our future Luna so there's no need to worry about her." He told me making me visibly relax.

"Now what do you want to do about Tiffany, Celsey and Mary who were the one's that attacked your mate?" He asked making my eyes darken.

"I'll deal with them." I said through clenched teeth.

"As you wish, I'll see you back home later."

I nodded and watched him leave before I turned and began storming down the corridors in search for the three that had the nerve to harm my mate.

"Hey there, Ryder." Tiffany said in what she thought was a seductive voice as I walked towards her.

I saw that the hall only had pack members in it so I didn't hold back when I grabbed Tiffany by the throat and slammed her into the locker causing everyone's attention to land on us.

"Did you or did you not hurt Rory Martinez?" I hissed.

"You mean that new girl? The Bitch that punched me? Yeah I hurt her, I don't care if she is human." She gasped out as my grip around her neck tightened.

"That 'human' is my mate!" I growled, hearing everyone gasp that their alpha had found his mate.

"W-what? She can't be! We belong together!" Tiffany yelled.

"No we don't Tiffany!! You're just the pack slut! I have never liked you and I never will, especially because my heart belongs to Rory and if you dare attack her again; I. Will. Kill.You." I growled, my eyes black as I dropped her to the floor.

"And that goes for anyone else!" I growled at the other pack members in the hall who all nodded. "Good." I added before I walked back down the corridor.

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