"She got an extra set of grandparents to love on her just like they do lil seedling and he isn't even here yet. So no I'm not worried bout my shine because I know you wouldn't allow that shit. You wouldn't let anyone take that away from me" he said as he looked dead in her eyes. It didn't matter who April was dating he knew she would never do anything backhanded like that. It wasn't in her nature or a part of her character. He was her child's father and she would let it be known that he was the father.

April looked at him and smiled. "Never would I ever. People can say whatever they want bout you but what they can't say is that you're a shitty father. You've been here every step of the way. No missed appointments, every time I call you answer, whenever I need you you're there, you check up on not only the baby but me as well, and even when I tell you I'm good on funds and you know I'm good on funds you still give me money for all of my cravings as well as to get things for the baby. Sometimes I wonder how you'd be if you knew Jr was baking and I always come to the same conclusion" she said as her eyes glossed over.

"You'd be here just like you are now and honestly I am truly thankful and appreciative to have you by my side and in my corner during this time. For staying by my side and not walking away for accepting everything and everyone that now comes along with me I can't thank you enough. You could've said you weren't feeling any of this and wanted no parts of this and none of Dave's family but you ride for me the way I ride for you" April thanked him even though she didn't have to but Chris was happy that she did. It felt good to be acknowledged for something good for once. He was going to be there for his child regardless though and the fact that she was sincere and genuine about it made Chris feel even better.

"Thanks Apple much appreciated" he thanked her and smiled. "So how are we going to work this out? I know I'm good at ya spot so I don't have to get a place to stay when the baby comes but what bout visiting her while I'm here for the month. I don't want to be all up in y'all space intruding and shit" He wanted to know how that was going to work out. At the end of the day he just wanted to spend some quality time with his child and help out. He didn't want April to think that she was doing shit alone even though she was going to have more than enough help. Chris wanted to do his part.

April shrugged. "I guess we'll all have to talk and see what works best for everybody. I want you to be comfortable as possible. I don't want any of us to be walking around on eggshells"

"Facts I just want to spend time with my lil man. I know these first few months are crucial. I want him to know that I'm here"

April tilted her head looking at him. "Chris she will definitely know and always know that you've been here from the very start I promise you that. But uh what are ya gonna do if lil seedling turns out to be a princess instead of a prince" she asked and laughed.

"Fuck all that I'm putting that shit in the air. Lil seedling is gonna be another prince. It's already too many princesses running around along with queens. Just be ready to pass off one of those cars you got in the lot" he said all confident and shit. He really wanted another little boy but he'd still be excited if his little boy turned out to be a baby girl.

"The confidence Brown I love it just know that if lil seedling is a baby girl I want a sexy ass new mommy whip. You know how I like my shit too so don't show up with a damn minivan" she said while rubbing her hands together on some bird man shit. April had a problem just like him when it came to vehicles. When they were together their garage was filled along with their driveway. It used to really look like they were a car lot selling cars. She was the type of female that could drive any whip, truck, motor cycle, and anything else with wheels.

"Go head and get ya soccer mom shit on" he laughed. Sometimes it amazed him how close they had become after all the shit he put her through. She was still his friend and one of his best friends at that and he'd have it no other way. They could talk, have real conversations, laugh, pick on each other, and she never tossed any bullshit in his face about their past. Shit was good and he hoped it stayed that way.

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