23: The Baby Mama/Interview

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Chapter: 23 The Baby Mama/The InterviewApril

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Chapter: 23 The Baby Mama/The Interview

April woke up yawning and snuggling deeper into Dave as if that was humanly possible he already had her body melded deep into his. Being in his arms felt like home and she couldn't express it enough how much she loved being in his arms and around him period. He did it for her. No, she was no fool. She heard the rumors and saw the many girls Dave was associated with but since they started talking she hadn't seen any chick with him on that type of level. She wasn't going to pay too much attention to social media either until she had a reason to. Other than that she was going to continue to have fun and go with the flow as planned. Any, who April turned her back towards Dave so she could get out the bed and take her ass to the bathroom but as usual Dave refused to let her go and snuggled deeper into her. To be a nigga so damn hard he was so damn soft...well when it came to April, Kairi, and his mother.

"Papi I need to go to the bathroom" April whined as she turned back around and faced him. Without saying anything he let her go and turned on his back and went right back to sleep.

April hopped out the bed looking at the time on the cable box. It was 2:45pm meaning it wouldn't make sense to even get back in bed. His baby mother would be arriving soon. Once in the bathroom she took care of business as well as freshened up so she'd be ready for this little meet and greet. She prayed it would be good because she was not about to kiss anyone's ass. She was going to be cordial and polite but kissing ass was a no go for her. April was just going to go in with a positive mindset just like she planned for the rest of her weekend.

"Papi it's time to get up" she said as she now straddles his waist. One arm covered his face as the other gripped her waist. He didn't even attempt to open his eyes or respond. "Papi its 3 o'clock your baby mother should be here any minute" April bent down and pecked his neck and nipped at it.

"5 minutes" he mumbled sleepily.

"Nope, not today we both know you're 5 minutes is colored people time" April joked but was dead serious. This man always acted as if time waited on no one but him. He didn't bother to say anything because he knew her ass was telling the honest truth. Dave was awake though he just didn't feel like getting out of bed. He took his hand that gripped her tiny waist and started to stroke it up and down.

"What do I get if I get up" he removed his arm from his face and looked up at her.

"Boy if you don't-"

Ding Dong

The bell went off right on time.

"Saved by the bell" April smirked at him and removed herself from his waist. He got his ass up and went straight to the bathroom leaving the door open instead of going to open the front door. All April knew was that she wasn't going to answer shit. She was the guest.

Ding Dong

The bell went off once again along with Dave's phone ringing this time around. April heard the faucet running and Dave came out a few seconds later. He didn't even bother to answer his phone.

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