You: We can open a window and listen.

Clem: Let's get to the infirmary and get that over with.

You: Wait... Um... You wanna talk about... Uh...

Clem: I thought I made my feelings pretty clear. You have too, whether you meant to or not. There isn't anything to talk about.

You: So...

Clem: Yes?

You: We're like...

She shrugs at you and opens the door.

You: Good talk.


You two went to the infirmary and Eleanor checked up on somethings. She mostly checked on the burns, but also checked the cuts and bruises on your bodies.

After she was done, you and Clem walked around the place. Clementine gave you a tour as best she could. She got confused a few times but ended up remembering where you were in the end.

After a few hours of that you went back to the apartment building, ate some food, and chilled out.

Clem: Concert Is starting soon.

You: Yeah. Change your mind?

Clem: No, Im too worn out from all that walking.

You: You do have to put in a lot of effort to walk.

Clem: I miss having two legs.

You get up and open a window. You hear lots of yelling, and the gate opening.

You: Somethings going on.

Clem: What?

You: I don't know, but it sounds off. I'm going to go check it out.

Clem: They have guards for a reason. You don't need to.

You: They might need help with something.

Clem: You don't need to go.

You: I'm gonna go. I need to make sure we're safe.

Clem: Y/N we're fine.

You: I won't get in a fight. I'll come back once I find out what's going on.

Clem: No fighting.

You: I promise.

You leave the room and hurry outside. You hear loud arguing and see a large group surrounding the gate.

Charlie is towards the outside of the large group.

You: Hey, what's going on?

Charlie: Darren's group is back. They brought some kids with em. They're arguing about how to deal with them.

Unknown: We can't just let them go! They were coming, here!

Unknown: And they told us why!

Unknown: They could be lying to us!

You slowly push through the crowd.

Unknown: Sending kids is the perfect cover!

Unknown: Why would anyone send kids to another community to spy! That would put them at a huge risk!

Unknown: I could just shoot this kid right now!

You make it through the crowd and see a kid with a beanie aiming a rifle at... AJ. You look at the rest of the people inside the circle and notice Louis, Violet, Omar, Aasim, Ruby standing shoulder to shoulder. Louis notices you and his eyes go wide. He elbows Violet and points at you, but you're more worried about AJ.

TWD: Dynamic (Clementine X Male Reader Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now