Chapter Three

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Fire and earth


Lexi walked outside and into the garden, as she sat on the grass and reading her book, she felt a spark on her arm she watched it as it faded. Lexi put her book down and looked to the sky. 

There was a fire in one of the neighboring houses. Lexi shot up and flew to the house, she landed on the road next to it. People screamed and ran out of the building. Lexi ran into the building when she heard the mother crying for her child.

Lexi ran inside and immediately she felt hot, the smoke was circulating around her as she tried to find the child. She ran into the last room and found the young girl cowered into the corner. Lexi ran to the girl and held her hand out to her. 

The girl grabbed her and stood up, the young girl screamed when the fire came into the doorway. They were trapped. Lexi felt scared, the more scared she's ever felt, the more scared she got the more she felt the power within her start to multiply. Her eyes turned purple and she let go of the young girl's hand.

Lexi put her hands in front of her as the fire started to circle around her arms. Lexi started to collect the fire around the house, she walked into each room and the fire went straight to the ball she was making in front of her. 

Soon the fire was all in the house was in the ball. Lexi flew up and out of the house, she flew high and into space. Space was cold and would put out the fire. When Lexi felt she had gotten high enough, she threw the ball into the sky. Lexi used her control of the air to lift the ball higher into the sky.

Lexi watched as the ball disintegrated into a few flames and then into nothing. Satisfied with her work, she flew down and landed in the park near her house, no one saw her as she walked out from the bushes. 

No one thought any different of her. She walked passed the house and stood around with everyone else. No one knew it was her. She watched the parents of the young girl run into the house and grab onto their daughter and hold onto her. 

Lexi walked home and reached home and picked up her book and lay down on the grass and started reading again. Lexi's eyes closed and the book fell onto her chest and she fell asleep. 

That's how Fury found her later that day. He smiled and woke the young girl up and helped her up. He helped the sleepy teenager into the house and lay her on the couch, he would wake her up for dinner. 

A knock on the door brought Fury out of his gaze and he walked out of the kitchen and to the front door. He picked up the gun and held it behind his back, no one at SHIELD knew he lived here. He swung the door open and saw Agent Coulson standing with a team behind him. 

"What is going on, Coulson?" Fury asked. He placed the gun down and stood in front of the door. The Agent moved his hand and the team behind him walked away. 

"A fire was mysteriously put out earlier today, and the people say they saw a woman absorbed the fire and flew into space. We have been checking with everyone to see if they had also seen it," Coulson said. 

"I was at SHIELD the whole time. You know that." Fury said, he closed the door and walked into the sofa room and sat down. He turned on the TV and switched to the news. The sound must have woken up Lexi. 

"Was this you?" Fury asked the sleepy girl. Lexi just nodded and turned around and fell asleep. Fury shook his head and laughed quietly. He stood up and kissed the girl on the forehead. He picked his communicator and typed a message to Carol. SHE CAN MANIPULATE FIRE NOW. He got a response from Carol quickly that said: DAMN SHE'S GOOD

Lexi walked in from school, it was her last day ever in school. She was pissed off and happy at the same time. The people at school treated her like shit just because she didn't do well, she was from a different planet, she's had to learn everything from scratch. 

She stormed into the house and threw her bag down and fell facedown onto her bed. She lay on her bed, trying to calm her powers down. Her powers rage up when she is in a very intense mood. Today it was just a pissed off mood. 

"Okay, fresh air and a book will do some good," Lexi mumbled. She picked up her favorite book and left her bedroom and walked outside and lay down on the sunbed. She couldn't focus on her book so she stood up and walked around the garden. 

"Hey, Lexi?" She heard Fury call to her. He told her he would come home today, he didn't come home often being the Director of SHIELD had its downfalls. Lexi waved at him and carried on pacing around the garden. 

"What's wrong?" Fury asked. He stood at the doorway with his long leather coat on. Water started flowing her as she paced. The water started circling around her. The winds started to act up, a strong gust of wind almost blew Fury off his feet. 

"Lexi! Calm down, kid." Fury called to her. Lexi turned around and faced her. Her eyes turned purple and angry. 

"Calm down? Calm down! How am I supposed to calm down when I can't even remember half my life? How am I supposed to calm down when I only get fragments of my memory back? How am I supposed to calm down when..." Lexi screamed and flew up, water dropped to the floor and fire spread around the floor. 

Lexi felt the power control her, as it did in the burning house, and use her like a rag doll. Lexi screamed as the power consumed her and she gave one last scream and fell. She fell like a rock. When she hit the ground she made a hole in the garden. 

An aftershock raged through the earth and rattled all the buildings in the small town they were in. She just caused an earthquake because of the powers consuming her and rendering her useless against them. 

Fury ran to her side and watched her open her eyes, the purple faded out and the brown color came back. Fury grabbed her hand and helped her up. 

"You're okay, kid. You're okay." Fury muttered. He stood up and looked at the garden, there was a massive hole in the middle of the garden and ripples of earth scattered around it. It looked like a drop of water had hit the water, just that Lexi was the drop of water. 

"I did that?" Lexi whispered. Fury nodded and helped her inside. Lexi shivered and held onto Fury. Fury placed her on the sofa and grabbed a glass of water for her. He wrapped a blanket around her and held the glass in her shaking hands. 

"I'm so sorry, dad," Lexi whispered. He grabbed the glass from her hands and pulled her into a hug. He held onto her as she sobbed into his shoulder. 

"There's nothing to be sorry for." 

Edited 20/12/2019

History [Steve Rogers]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon