Chapter Fourteen

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Recovering in style


It had been a couple of days since the Sokovia incident and Lexi and Thor were both still recovering. Lexi lay in her bed at the Avengers' tower, she stared up at the ceiling, hoping it would give her answers, but it didn't. Lexi stared at the ceiling while playing with her two necklaces, the one from the dying star and the young girl.

Lexi stood up and stared at her reflection in the mirror. They were moving upstate to the Avenger's facility and Lexi was supposed to have started to pack yesterday but she kept reliving her memory of the purple man. Lexi sighed and went to pick up a box in the corner of her room so she can start to pack. She stopped when she heard a hesitant knock on her door.

"The door's open." Lexi welcomed the person in, she knew who it was. Steve Rogers still was hesitant to come into her room.

"Hey," Steve said. Lexi carried on packing, she didn't want to speak about anything. Lexi ignored Steve's attempts to reach her the past few days. Steve grabbed her arm and stopped her from packing. Lexi sighed and turned to Steve.

"What's going on?" Steve asked he was worried for the girl. He wanted to help her, and get the horrors out of her head.

"Nothing." Lexi pulled out of his grip and walked to her bathroom, to grab the stuff out from there.


"Steve it's nothing!" Lexi shouted, her water on her bedside table rose into the air and flew towards the elemental manipulator. Steve rushed to her and grabbed her hands, to calm her down. Lexi's eyes started to swell up with tears as she faced Steve.

"Oh my gosh, Lexi. What's going on?" Lexi knew she couldn't lie to the man. Steve led her to her messy bed and sat down with her. He took Lexi's hands into his own and waited for Lexi to explain.

"Everything, Steve, everything." Lexi looked down as tears started to drip out of her eyes. Steve waited patiently for Lexi to carry on, he knew better than to rush the girl.

"I keep having these dreams, memories. There is one that just stays there, but it is the only one of that kind that stays there. I thought it was a figment of my imagination but the same one kept showing up in my head."

"Who's in it?" Steve asked, he knew she had been getting some memories back and it was causing her to roam around the tower late a night. Steve put his arm on Lexi's shoulder and pulled her head towards his own, he kissed Lexi's softly.

"Some purple man and a green girl, my sister," Lexi said, Steve pulled back and looked at her weirdly.

"You have a sister?"

"Two actually."

Steve stood there in shock as he pulled the girl tighter into his chest. Lexi started sobbing as soon as her head hit Steve's chest. She cried for her lost memories and her frustrations. Steve turned his back and steadied himself with his back on Lexi's wall. 

Lexi eventually cried herself to sleep on Steve's chest. Even though Lexi was asleep, Steve stayed there to make sure she slept properly. Steve slowly drifted off, into a peaceful sleep, holding Lexi in his arms. Lexi didn't have such a peaceful sleep.

"Daughters. Although you are young, you will know my plan and help me implement it." the purple man said. Lexi stood in between her sisters as she stood before her father.

"As I, mighty Thanos shall make the universe happy." Thanos continued. Lexi stopped paying attention. She had heard this before, she was the second-favorite daughter after all.

"Lexi, are you listening?" Thanos' voiced boomed through the room. Lexi stood there and looked down. She shook her hand and Thanos grabbed her thin wrist, he pulled her forward so fast she almost fell over.

"I'm sorry, sir."

"Sorry isn't good enough. You shall be the one I send to Xandar." Lexi stood shocked, she wasn't supposed to be the one sent to Xandar to scout out the planet, Thanos didn't want to go in there without reason.

"But sir..!" Lexi protested, Thanos shook his head and shoved her back into line with the other girls. Lexi hated her father but she wanted to stay there to protect her sisters. Xandar was a new place for her and she didn't like new places.

"Enough! Lexi, you shall be delivered there tomorrow morning. You better be prepared or someone will suffer." Lexi knew who would suffer, Lexi nodded and looked down to the ground. Lexi massaged her sore, thin wrist as they walked back to their rooms.

Lexi started shaking as she felt the sadness creep through her bones. Steve woke up and looked down at her, he sat up and pushed Lexi softly off him. He grabbed her shoulders and shook them hard enough to wake her up. Lexi slowly opened her eyes and looked at Steve as he towered over her.

"Lexi, what was this dream about?" Steve deserved to know, he might be the only one who might be able to help her except for Carol.

"Thanos, the purple man." Steve held her tightly as she shook. Steve pressed his lips to the girl's hair and Lexi tucked her head under Steve's chin.

"He's the reason I was on Xandar in the first place," Lexi whispered, loud enough for Steve to just hear. Steve wrapped his arms around her tightly.

"I'm going to find him and kill him,"

Edited 20/12/2019

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