Chapter Thirteen

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Some characters will cross over from other books into yours


A young woman lay on the floor, where the city used to be. She was covered in burns and her hair was wet. That girl was surrounded by other bodies and her teammate was lying a bit behind her, still unconscious. Lexi's eyes opened slowly and looked for Thor, who had fallen somewhere next to her.

"Steve?" Lexi whined, she couldn't say anything else as she turned her head slightly to the left and saw a young girl running towards her. The girl reached her and grabbed onto her hand and called someone. 

A man came running to her and picked her up, Lexi felt the slight change in texture as she was lifted off the ground, it felt like she was flying again. The brunette girl grabbed her hand as they walked. Lexi was placed down slowly and the man started checking for any injuries.

Thor woke up a few minutes after the fall, he looked around and noticed he was laying on the floor in the middle of the hole where the city used to be. He pulled himself up and started walking around.

"Lexi! Lexi! Lexi?" Thor called for his teammate. He spotted her lying next to a young girl with brunette hair. Thor ran to her and knelt beside her, he was still weak. The young girl moved off to the side and Lexi smiled up at Thor.

"Hey, Thor..." Lexi said, Thor grabbed her hand and held it tight. She watched as the young girl came back with some water and handed it to Thor.

"Hey, what's your name?" Lexi asked she wanted to remember the young girl and her hospitality. Thor helped her sit up so she could drink the water. Lexi sat up slowly and painfully, she watched as the girl moved away and Lexi drank her water in one shot. 

Thor stood up and helped Lexi up. Lexi fully leaned on Thor, as she could barely keep her eyes open. They walked out and they saw the girl run up to them, the girl gave her a small charm, a star, similar to the one she had on her chest. As the three walked out, the surviving people applauded them. They reached an opening and Lexi gave the girl one last look.

"Ana." The brunette smiled and gave Lexi one last look. Lexi smiled and vowed she would never forget her.

Thor lifted his hammer to the sky and lifted them. As they flew back to where the Hellicarrier was flying in the sky, they landed quite hard and Steve ran to steady the hurt god while Natasha ran to steady Lexi, Bruce was nowhere to be seen. 

Lexi sat down in one of the chairs in the main area as she watched people fly her home. She turned her head and watched as Steve ran to her once he set Thor down.

"I told you to come back to me," Steve sighed softly, he scanned the girl in front of him, searching for serious injuries. Lexi smiled slightly as she watched Steve sit in front of her and rest his hands on her knees.

"And I did," Lexi whispered she couldn't do anything else. Steve grabbed one of her hands and felt the pendant in her hand. He picked it up and examined it. Lexi grabbed Steve's other hand and kissed it lightly.

"Where did you get this?"

"A young girl gave it to me." Steve nodded and kissed her on the forehead. Lexi whined as Steve left her and went to talk to Natasha. Lexi sighed and looked up at the ceiling, she felt something in her stomach, it was that something bad was happening. Lexi, however, closed her eyes and looked saw the flash across her eyes, Lexi revisited this flash, she was trying to figure out anything from that flash that will help her piece back her life.

Lexi still didn't know much of her past, only flashes. Xandar was present in her dreams but there was another place that she couldn't recognize, it was part of the one flashback she couldn't get out of her mind.

Lexi opened her eyes and saw a big chair in the middle of a ship. She was dressed in a black dress that went down to her ankles, it had a marking on it but she couldn't make out what it was. Lexi looked up and saw a big purple man stare at her. Lexi looked up at the man and smiled slightly.

"Lexi." a bug purple hand stroked her cheeks. Lexi leaned into the touch as he smiled lightly at her. There were two other girls there, a blue one and a green one. Lexi smiled and fell back next to the other girls.

"Gamora, take Lexi to her new room, and help her settle in." the green girl nodded and took the younger, newer daughter of Thanos to her new room. The young green girl smiled at Lexi as she opened one of the big doors.

"I'm Gamora, I'm your new sister."

Lexi opened her eyes and sighed she opened her eyes once more. It was becoming harder and harder to piece her life back together. Lexi shook as she stood up, all she wanted to do was to be held by Steve, she did just save the world. Lexi found him talking with Natasha and Tony.

"Hey, Elements," Tony said. Lexi sighed as she lent into Steve. Steve handed her back the star and he put his arm around her shoulders and pulled her close. Lexi nodded slightly as Tony smiled and left.

"Get better soon, kid," Natasha said, she also left the room and left Steve and Lexi alone. Steve turned Lexi around so her sore head was on Steve's chest. Lexi wrapped her arms around Steve tighter and sighed.

"Hey, Lex. It's over. It's okay." Steve muttered into her hair. Lexi couldn't stop the tears that were forming in her eyes. She tilted her head so she could look Steve in the eyes.

"Will it ever?"

Edited 20/12/2019

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