Chapter 64: Chocolate Cake

Start from the beginning

But she was still remorseful. She was still mourning the death of the woman who had raised. The bracelet Jungkook had given her rested on her wrist, and she stole occasional glances at it as if it might disappear. Just like that. Poof!

She always felt her emotions take over when she thought about the day exactly a week ago when Jungkook had presented it to her. By looking at how things were going before she saw it, she was still trying to comprehend how in the world had she broken down like a baby when she was all in the mood of teasing and having fun. She honestly hadn't even cared about the gift back then; her body was all giddied up for spending some more time with him after the tense visit at the Otakawa Orphanage.

But anyway, things had been looking up for her, and their relationship ever since. The bracelet was just another layer of cementing love on their chemistry.

But after what Jungkook had done, Tzuyu didn't think that she'd be able to forgive him for all the struggle he and her friends had gone through, though Jungkook hadn't been bothered by the trouble and hard work at all. As long as she was happy, and as long as their love remained, that was all he needed.

Tzuyu felt a sudden rush of gratitude falling over her, and that was overcome by the ginormous love she felt for him. She made sure that she kissed him hard when he came home.

She wanted to thank him once again.

She wanted to make him happy, though not for once again, but forever.

But for the time being, she bunched up her hair in a messy bun (leaving out a few strays, of course), and tied her rose-colored apron around her tiny waist. The enormous rainbow of gushing emotions poured out of her every pore in every color as she managed to control her hyperactive body. Boy, she never thought that being this happy could make someone this jumpy. On her skips to the kitchen, her uncontrolled hands almost knocked over two vases, one that was given by Jungkook's mom as a little decoration for the place, while the other, she just bought yesterday.

She twirled and danced, humming along a sweet melody. Her hands stuck out before her and she imagined Jungkook's hand on her waist, him pulling her close that she could practically see his breath dancing along with them in their tiny ball. Realizing there was no music, she cued up piano instrumentals on her phone. Perfect. Now all she had to do was close her eyes and let his imaginary figure, dressed handsomely in a crisp black suit, lead her down to the middle of the ballroom. Her hand rested gently in his while his other one secured a comfortable grip on her waist.

They moved back and forth, softly, their clicks of his shoes and her heels adding a rhythm to the music. Her dressed flowed about her, making her resemble a red flower. All eyes in the room were on them. The cool draft escaping in through the window soon disappeared and sudden warmth took over. She could smell the fragrance of his all too familiar expensive cologne. It all seemed so real. It was as if she could actually feel his skin pressed against hers.

He twirled her. He pulled her close to him again. He lifted her up with both hands, letting her feel the sensation. And he ended it with a long, sweet kiss.

She was so lost in her imaginations that the passing time was a stranger to her. She didn't want to open her eyes, fearing that this perfect scenario would disappear, and it wasn't until she heard his deep laugh, so close that she went rigid in shock. "You're crazy, Tzu," came his chuckled whisper.

The maddening rush of butterflies in her began wobbling, making her stumble in her step. It was as if those winged insects were tiny machines and a few had loose screws. Ironically, the music she'd played ended and it was auto-played by another piece, this one more suspense, the drumming of drums beating in her eardums.

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