Chapter Nine: Pieces of Me

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Sorry for the long wait! Life got in the way. I'm sorry if there is a lot of mistakes, but I've neglected this story for far too long.

     Shiloh was sitting in the office of the comic book store as Edgar was screaming profanities at her. Her body was still damp from the ocean and the towel that was provided for her by one of the Frog brothers wasn't giving her any warmth.

"Why in the fuck were you in the ocean at two am?! We had been looking all night for you and here you were trying to get your rocks off by having a swim!" Edgar's face was red with veins trying to pop out of his forehead.


Shiloh went quite. She couldn't remember the ordeal or how she even made it back to the comic shop.

"And another thing! You had that wannabe wash up rock star save your ass from drowning. I mean c'mon on, who in the hell wears a mesh shirt like that??"

Shiloh's head whipped up to the mention of Paul. "Paul saved me?"

Edgar scoffed and went upstairs shaking his head.

"I am glad you are okay," Alan pointed to where Edgar disappeared to, "and so is he. Him having a screaming fit just shows how much he was worried."

"I didn't mean to worry you guys... I just don't remember what happen or why I went into the water."

Alan looked at Shiloh with worry. "Dry off, change clothes, and try to get some sleep. You can have tomorrow off and we can even discuss more about this tomorrow."

Shiloh nodded and headed towards her room. When she got to her room, she stripped down and put on a white nightgown. Shiloh tried to recall the events from tonight and the last thing she could remember was that Godric had stood her up at the diner where their first date was going to be. After that, it was like she was dreaming, but, she couldn't remember the dream. Until it felt like she woke up in the comic shop.

Tap. Tap.

Shiloh froze. Maybe it's just my imagination...

"Shiloh! Open your window!"


Shiloh didn't hesitate on opening the window. She would never admit it out loud but she had missed Paul.

Shiloh peaked out the second-story window and noticed a smiling Paul down below. "Hey Sweet-Cheeks!"

Shiloh wasn't buying the cheeky smile he was giving her, even though it made her heart flutter. "What the hell are you doing here?"

"Hey now! That's no way to talk to the man who saved your life!" Paul's smile dropped from his face. "But seriously, Shy, are you okay?"

Shiloh's whole body hurt. Nearly dying took a toll on her. "Yeah, Paul, I'm okay. I don't know what I was thinking." A soft chuckle escaped her lips. "I can't even swim. But it feel like a dream... that someone was calling for me from the water and I couldn't refuse them."

Paul's face turned to stone. "Oh?"

Shiloh shook her head and another quick laugh escaped her mouth. "That sounded like I was crazy and I don't know how to explain how I felt."

Paul seemed lost in thought. "I'll see you tomorrow, Shy."

And just like that Paul was gone.


Shiloh woke up the next morning in a cold sweat. Her body felt like she had been beaten to hell and she was in no mood to be fucked with.

She decided that she was going to go out today to get some sun and read one of her favorite books, hopefully away from people.

It was still early when she headed out in the hallway. She notice the boys room were shut, indicating to her that they were still asleep.

Shiloh headed outside to the boardwalk. There was a couple of people out but still to early for big crowds. She was nervous going to the beach because of the events last night, but since it was morning and with people around she felt a little more safe.

With her handy dandy sun screen, her worn cover of Pride and Prejudice, and three dollars to get boardwalk snacks her day was made.

Shiloh laid on the beach not even caring that sand was getting in her hair or clothes and half way thru the book she was past out.

"Shiloh, you attract danger like a moth to a flame."

Shiloh jerked up, sand flying out of her hair drool down the side of her jaw and not to mention the squeal that left her mouth.

Paul left out a chuckle and plop down right by Shiloh. "I've missed you, Shy" blue eyes looking into her brown ones. He brushed her wild hair out of her face noticing that she was still trying to wake up all the way.

His name left her mouth and it was the sweetest thing he ever heard.

"You're a piece of shit!"

He stand corrected.

Looking at her with her fierce eyes and the scowl on her face he raised his arms in surrender. Her worn book can down and wack him in the head.

"What the fuck, Shiloh?"

"You know what you did!" Shiloh jumped up, not even carrying to brush of the sand on her.

Paul notice her sunburn, he figured she spent the whole day out here. Was she waiting for him all day?

"Shy, where you going? Why aren't you talking to me?"

"Talk to the blond girl you had on your arm the other day!"

Paul's face turned from concern to a   Cheshire smile. "Are you jealous?"

Shiloh was lost for words. Who in the hell did this guy think he is?

Shiloh was lost for words and before she could say anything, Paul beat her to it. "Baby, you ought to know that you are the only one for me."

"Obviously not... I don't like to share."

Paul let out a whistle. "That's so fucking hot." Paul grabbed Shiloh behind her head and kissed her deeply. His tongue ran slowly across her lips leading her to gasp which gave Paul full access to her mouth. But before he could deepen the kiss more, Shiloh shoved him hard.

"Paul, I mean it! I'm not sharing you with half the girls here!"

Paul growled. "Well, I'm not sharing you either!"

Shiloh blinked and let out a bitter laugh. He was referring to Godric since she knows Paul saw her on a date with him the other night. She loved that Paul was just as jealous as she was. "I only went out with him, because he picked up the pieces of me you broke."

Paul's face fell and before he could say anything else. Shiloh turned away but this time he wasn't letting her go.

He grasped her arm and turned her around to him. "Shy, look in my eyes and believe the words I say, that girl didn't mean anything to me and she never will." The only thing she meant to Paul was a bite to eat, but Shiloh didn't know the horror of his truth yet.

"Paul, I'm beginning to think you're bad for me."

"No babygirl, you're the best thing in my life. And I'll be damned if I have to share you with another man." He was a vampire, so of course he was already damned but that's another thing Shiloh didn't have to know about yet.

"I won't go back out with him." Paul grinned at her words but his face fell when she continued. "But you can't be having other girls hang all over you."

Paul didn't want any other girl romantically. But playing the sex-up bad boy part was necessary for him to get an easy meal, but he decided that he could work harder for his food if that meant keeping his girl happy.

"I can do that for you."

Shiloh smiled up at Paul and grabbed his hand.

"Wanna bang it out?" wiggling his eyebrows at her.

Shiloh laughed and hit Paul in the chest. "I have a better idea."

Paul gasped. "Nothing is better than sex!"

Shiloh laughed. "You'll see"

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : May 20, 2022 ⏰

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