Chapter Six: Godric

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People in Santa Carla have always feared Godric for unknown reasons. He held a demonic vibe around him, one so vile that people wouldn't even look him in the eyes as he grinned their way. He grew accustomed to people avoiding eye contact, much less say one word to him. It was an every night routine for him to be ignored by the board-walkers.

Tonight he had run into an elderly couple who screeched like mice and ran like rabbits, he had winked at a blonde call girl who's face turned pale, and a little boy who cried 'monster'. Godric's night was going normally for him until he ran into a girl who changed his whole perspective with a smile.

No one ever smiled at Godric.

But here he was, shamelessly flirting with the blushing girl. He even got to hold her hand for a brief second. Godric forgot how much he missed human contact until his hand was grasping Shiloh's in a handshake.

He took his chance at a normal conversation and asked Shiloh if she wanted to get a bite to eat.

"I would love too!"

They walked into a Chinese restaurant and sat in the smoking section. Godric lit a cigarette and blew a cloud of smoke above their heads. "I'm sorry, Shiloh. I'm very inconsiderate to you. Do you mind if I smoke?" Godric's eyes cut across the room, "We can sit in the non-smoking area if you would like?"

Shiloh smiled at Godric's manners as she nervously twiddled her thumbs, "Smoke doesn't bother me."


The conversation had ended there and they sat in silence as Godric repetitively blew out smoke until he had finished the cigarette. When he lit another one, he spoke up, "So Shiloh...


"What brings you to Santa Carla? This city is fucking filthy-

Godric had stopped in midsentence and then laughed nervously, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't cuss in front of a lady. My mama taught me better than that."

Shiloh's heart had swelled. She had never met a polite gentleman like Godric before. She had always believed guys like him were fictional and that they only belonged in old romance novels. And yet, here he was sitting in front of her with looks like James Deen but had a gentlemanly aspect about him like Clark Gable. Her mind then went to Paul and how much of a sneak he was. He had no manners, inappropriate behavior, into illegal drugs, and loved to party with harlots. And yet, she still had a hopeless crush on the boy. She was still bothered seeing him cuddled up to that blonde hussy. Shiloh shook it off. "I'm sitting with an attractive and well respectable boy. Knock it off, Shiloh. Forget about Paul."

"It's okay! I don't mind the language. I grew up in a rough orphanage, your mouth doesn't bother me one bit," she paused for a moment and thought about what she was going to say next, "I'm here because I needed a change and I just recently turned eighteen which means-

"Which means you have no one but yourself and you came here because you became too old for the orphanage. So that means Santa Carla is your saving grace, which if you ask me is kind of ironic because this place is the murder capital of the world."

Shiloh shrugged, "Which I kind of find funny because I feel safer here than I did in the orphanage. Maybe I was destined to be here?"

Godric smirked, "Perhaps."

Their night went on, and they stayed in that restaurant for several hours laughing and getting to know each other.

But little did they know that two boys were watching them from outside through the window. Shiloh's back was to them as she laughed at something Godric had said. All Paul could hear was her contagious laugh, except this time Paul wasn't laughing with her nor was he the one making her laugh.

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