Chapter Five: Strangers

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"Where were you last night?"

Shiloh looked up from the ground and placed the broom aside. "I was out with a new friend I made."

"What's her name?" Alan asked.

"His name is Paul."

Edgar had perked up from behind a shelve. "What? You were out with a boy?"

"Yes? You guys are my friends and I'm pretty sure you guys are boys as well."

Edgar didn't budge. "Do you like this Paul guy?"

A blush appeared on Shiloh's face immediately, "Edgar! I just met him!"

Alan laughed and shook his head, "Sorry Shiloh, Edgar has a crush on you. He's just jealous."

Edgar's face immediately turned red, "What!? No, I don't!"

Shiloh just shrugged off that accusation, "Guys, if you're worried about me, don't be. I'm a big girl," Shiloh smiled at both boys, the kind of smile that you couldn't argue with. "Besides, you guys taught me to beware of my surrounds."

The past couple of mornings Edgar and Alan have been teaching and informing Shiloh about how ruthless 'Murder Capital of the World'. They have been showing her defensive moves if anyone ever tried to harm her, mostly they were concerned about vampires attacking her. Edgar and Alan had many stakes made for her and they made her swear that she would keep one on her at all times.

"Do you still have the stake we-

Shiloh pulled her stake from the back waist of her pants and waved it in the air. "I'm prepared, but I learned from the best," Shiloh smiled broadly. But that's what made Shiloh remarkable. The two boys had an unhealthy obsession over vampires, yet she still went along with it. That's what Edgar and Alan love and she wasn't going to take that away from them. Even though she didn't believe in vampires herself, she played along to make them happy.

"You make us proud," Alan went for a hug but stopped, a huge mischief smile carved into his face, "I better not hug my brother's girl."

"THAT'S IT! YOU'RE GETTING YOUR ASS HANDED TO YOU!" Edgar chased a cackling Alan out the door and down the boardwalk. Shiloh shaking her head picked up the broom and began sweeping where she left off earlier.

By the end of the day with the sun nearly set, Shiloh had the place looking spotless. Edgar had come in earlier with his ears red, he didn't even look at Shiloh as he climbed the stairs to their apartment. Alan had come in with a goofy smile on his face, releasing Shiloh of her shift.

Shiloh took it upon herself to go to the boardwalk. A part of her was secretly hoping to run into Paul again. Maybe She did have a small crush on him? But how could she not? He was an attractive boy with an adventurous soul.

"Shiloh, what a pleasant surprise."

Shiloh whirled around and keep face to face with Max. "Max! It's good to see you!"

Max fixed his glasses to set on his nose. "I wonder what had happened to you, but I saw you in the comic store with two employees. So I had assumed you got a job there. I was going to stop by and say hello, but I had an emergency back at the store and-

Shiloh had tuned out Max when she made eye contact with Paul across the crowd, but this eye contact had been different from the others they shared. Paul didn't have the happy going attitude like he usual did. No, he looked almost bothered? When Shiloh broke eye contact with him, she learned that it was most likely guilty.

A blonde girl was on his left arm, with her boobs practically falling out of her tank top and her pants looked two sizes too small. Makeup was caked on her flawless face. She had a smirk on her lips as was whispering in Paul's ear. Shiloh's breath hitched as Paul turned away from her and grinned at the blonde. He ignored Shiloh like a stranger on the boardwalk and walk off with the blonde in the opposite direction. He didn't even turn around to look at the expression on Shiloh's face. But Marko did, he held her gaze with a sympathetic expression. A red-head pulled on his arm with a sly grin and Marko broke the gaze and followed her, trailing behind Paul and his 'date'. Marko turned around for the last time and mouthed 'sorry' to Shiloh and then they were out of view.

-I'm guessing you space out a lot?"

Shiloh snapped her attention back to Max. "I'm so sorry, Max you probably think I'm a rude person."

"Not at all Shiloh, I think you are an excellent girl. Did you know those boys that were over there?"

Shiloh felt a lump in her throat, so she only nodded her head.

"Shiloh, you deserve better than those boys."

A genuine smile was on Shiloh's lips, "Thanks, Max, that means a lot."

"You're welcome. Well, I best be off to the store. I wish you luck, Shiloh. Visit me anytime, and I mean that." Max bowed his head in respect and walked towards his store.

Since Shiloh's plans were crushed in a sense, she decided it would be best to go back home. As she was walking back to the comic store she had bumped into someone causing her to fall on her back.

"It's not every day that I knock down beautiful girls such as yourself."

Shiloh blushed at the stranger. "I'm sorry for running into you, I wasn't watching where I was going."

The boy she ran into held out his hand to help her up. Shiloh gladly accepted and he pulled her up to her feet. "I'm definitely not sorry that I ran into you," he winked at her.

"Are you flirting with me, sir?" Shiloh shyly asked.

"I am, with no regrets." he fought hard no to grin at her again, "What's your name, beautiful?"

"I'm Shiloh Grey." She stuck her hand out and he slipped his cold hand into hers.

"Nice to meet you, Shiloh." His brown eyes locked with Shiloh's green ones. "I'm Godric, and your life is gonna change drastically now that you have met me."


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Paul's Weakness; Lost Boy FanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora