Chapter Seven: Bloodlust of Loyalty

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Paul had never known love.

As a child, he grew up in a broken home with no recollection of love. A workaholic father who loved the taste of whisky and a stay at home mother who loved materialistic things more than her own son. He had no siblings growing up, as he was the only mistake his parents ever made.

Paul snarled at the thought of his biological parents. He never hated anyone more at the time.

They say blood is thicker than water, but those idiots have never had taste of loyalty.

And Paul's first taste was the night he was turned into an immortal. David had found the rebel teen overdosing in the back of some shit hole bar. David had been watching him for a while and saw a potential brother in Paul like he had with Dwayne years prior. But when he had seen Paul's eyes roll back in his head and his saliva dripping from his purple lips, he did not think twice when he ripped open his wrist and shoved the blood of salvation down Paul's throat.

Paul had pledged his loyalty to his brothers after that night. They had become blood brothers and the closes thing to a family that Paul ever had.

Paul was standing outside with a cigarette between his lips, looking over the cliff his home resided on. His past thoughts had left his mind as the future ones were seeping in. He could not stop thinking about Shiloh's smile and how it made his undead heart tighten in his chest. But when he had seen her smile at another man, it made his heart stop and had unleashed a beast inside him that crawled its way out and almost exposed him.

She had moved on to someone else before we ever got the chance to show her a new life.

Paul wanted nothing more than to kill the man that had Shiloh smiling so big, but that smile was the mans' saving grace. If he makes her happy...

A few moments went by before Paul smirked and threw the cigarette bud off the cliff. "Yeah, fuck that."

Paul ran into the sunken hotel and started rummaging through his stuff. He had left his keys for his bike next to a pile of his treasures he accumulated over the years.

"Looking for these?"

Paul had turned around with a cheeky smile on his face as Marko dangled the keys in his face.

"Yeah, man. I can't keep anything without losing them."

Marko just laughed and tossed the keys to Paul. "Don't I know it. You wouldn't remember where anything is without me."

"That's why you're my favorite. But keep that between you and I. We don't want Dwayne or David getting jealous."

"Bullshit. They already know I'm your favorite!" Marko fired back cackling.

"Dude, you're right!"

They both laughed as silence fell between them, but Marko was the one to break it. "You're going to see her, aren't you?"

"I can-

"No, you don't have too. But I just wish I understood this obsession you have with this girl. It's like she brings the good and the worse out of you."

"I don't know how to explain it, she makes me feel like I'm going to have a heart attack all the damn time."

There was a pregnant pause and Marko had a weird look on his face.

"Dude, I don't like the way you are looking at me. Spit it out!"

"Do you love her?"

Paul was taken back at the obscene question. "No, of course not. I don't do the whole falling in love thing."

Dwayne was passing by the two had heard most of the conversation and decided to put his two cents in, "Whatever man. You still care for the girl, or you wouldn't have lost your shit the other day."

"Hey, Dwayne?" Paul questioned as Marko couldn't hold back a laugh.


"Shut the fuck up."

Dwayne rolled his eyes and flipped off his blonde brothers. "A time will come when you know I'm right and when it does, I'll enjoy rubbing it in your smug face."

"Boys, let's all be nice here. But Dwayne  does make an excellent point though," David said coming up out of his seat across the room. "What is it about her that makes you so on edge?"

Paul's frustrations were starting to show on his face. "If I knew, I would tell you guys but I don't have the slightest idea. But what I do know is that I can't get her off my mind and seeing her with that guy makes me want to kill a town."

David had let Paul's arrogance go but still narrowed his eyes. "Then why don't you go kill him? It gets half the problem out of the way." David paused and began to walk back to his seat. "Max doesn't know what happen with you the other night and I'm not going to tell him. We all know what would happen if he'd knew."

No one said the words. But they were all thinking of the possible death that could be bestowed upon Shiloh.

The image of her lifeless body tangled up in unnatural angles and her blood spilling out of her cold skin made Paul sick to his stomach.

"Go, kill the problem. Make sure no one sees and clean up the mess. He will just be another missing person with his picture hung up on a board with many other endless faces that people will soon lose hope over."

Paul just nodded and walked out of the cave.

"Marko, go with him. Make sure he doesn't get in trouble."

"You got it, I'll keep him in line."

Marko followed Paul hollering at him to wait for him.

As soon as David couldn't hear the engines of the bikes anymore. He got up to leave as well.

Dwayne didn't say what he was thinking. His facial expression was enough to questioned David.

"I'm going to see Max."

"I thought you said you weren't going to tell him?"

"I lied."

Dwayne looked at him with disapproval but turned back to his book. He wasn't going to question his brother.

"I'm doing it to protect Paul. And to protect us."

"I understand."

David had left the hotel and didn't bother taking his bike. He decided to fly to Max's house knowing he had the night off. But when he got there, he felt that something was off.

Thorn, Max's canine companion, was outside shaking like he encountered something demonic.

He came to David with his head down and whimpered to him.

David just looked at the dog with question and then narrowed his eyes to the front door.

As soon as he walked to the door, it flew open.

David's face turned to horror as he saw that Max was not the one to open the door.

Paul's Weakness; Lost Boy FanfictionOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant