New Year New Neighbor

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(Y/n) had been dealing with a lot this past year enough so that she was sending it off with a bottle of red her mother gave her as a house warming gift. The landlord said something about the adjoining apartment getting a new tenant after the first but it breezed by as she didn't really care as long as they didn't try to dropkick her cat, like the last one.

As midnight meandered upon the last few hours of December, she sat on her balcony watching the city, feeling it take a pause in anticipation, when movement off to her side caught her attention. There was a man standing there his eyes watching the sky for the fireworks that shook the air. The emerald eyes shifted to her staring form before the sky burst into colors that called both of their attention to them. She swore that his eyes had flecks of blue in them but she couldn't be sure.

"Γεια σου γατάκι." His voice begged her to peak at him again and she did only to see him leaning towards her, eyeing her like he was a cat looking at a fine piece of tuna.

"Um, hello?" She was unsure, leaning on the wall on the other side of her balcony.

"Αχ, σωστά, forgive me, I couldn't help myself. You just look so cute." He chuckled a little embarrassed. "I'm Heracles Karpusi, I'm moving in officially tomorrow."

"Heracles, you mean Hunkules." (y/n) murmured before she turned bright red and covered her mouth. 

"You like Disney too?" He asked stifling a chuckle.

"Yes, you could say that. I'm (Y/n) by the way." She offered a sheepish smile to him.

"The γατάκι (y/n), suiting." He smiled dreamily at the young woman across from him. 

They continued talking on various things like that, her inching closer and closer and closer through the hours until she reached the dividing wall. He jumped over it bringing them closer, their lips connecting when the rays of the sun broke over the cityscape, her swearing she heard him say something like "eros bless me" before their lips mashed together. 

When the kiss ended he rested his forehead on hers with a content smile playing on both their lips. They sat during the rest of the morning watching the sun finish getting over the horizon until a knock sounded at her door ending their romance novelesque quiet. 

Damn Kai, and her timing.


I hope you like this short vignette of the Fabio Greece, my dear heathens.

Γεια σου γατάκι - hello there kitten 

Αχ, σωστά - Ah, right

γατάκι - kitten

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