33. Wedding

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I woke up to Sahana hitting me with a shoe. A sound of compliant came out of my mouth even before I opened my eyes. Sahana pulled me out of bed and helped me into the dress. I had barely said anything in the morning and I was already getting dressed.

Sahana grabbed my face to look into my eyes. "You're tired, sweetheart. Wake up. It's your wedding."

I yawned. "I'm tired, Auntie. Maybe when I get a cup of coffee."

"Call in one of your friends in and get you coffee," Sahana said. "Maybe that Tony friend of yours can get you one."

I sighed and grabbed my phone. Tony answered in a few minutes, already awake.

"What is it?" Tony asked.

"I need coffee and Sahana won't let me leave," I replied. "Can you get me a cup?"

"Already on my way," Tony said. "Rhodey's already up and getting ready. When did you wake up?"

"Too early," I replied. "Why did we set the date of the wedding to ten in the morning?"

"I don't know," Tony said. "That's your mistake, not mine."

I laughed. "Whatever. So you're getting me coffee?"

"Yes," Tony replied. "Most of it creamer right?"

"Yes, thank you very much."

"See you in a few."

I hung up the phone and tossed it onto the bed. Sahana was finishing up the last details on my dress when Tony walked in with two cups in his hands. He handed one to Sahana and the other to me. I thanked up as I sat down for my hair and makeup.

"You look stunning," Tony complimented. "I don't think I've ever seen  you look this way."

I started putting on makeup. "Thanks."

"I didn't mean it like that, Charlie, and you know it," Tony said. "You're beautiful all the time."

I smiled a little bit smugly. "Thank you very much."

"Rhodey's almost done getting ready and he'll meet you at the church," Tony informed. "He's really excited to marry you, kid."

I sent him a teasing glare through the mirror. "I am too. The reception is going to be a grand event and I'm going to love every single second of it. Is Pepper going to be there?"

"Yes," Tony replied. "She's my plus one after all. She's getting ready right now too."

I applied some red lipstick. "I hope it goes well. I didn't invite any past lovers, did I?"

"Not that I know of," Tony said.

"Good," I said. "Because I'd still marry the love of my life, James Rhodes."

"A fairytale ending for my little street rat," Sahana said.

Tony and I laughed. Tony hung around for a little longer before leaving. Sahana tugged on my hair a little too hard and I hissed. She apologized and kept going. I finished my makeup at about the same time she finished my hair. Now it was all the jewelry. It was Sahana's and she kindly let me have it. When it was all done, it was time to leave. I got into the car taking me there with Sahana and Dad. He was in a tuxedo and had his infamous eyepatch on.

"Is this the man who adopted you?" Sahana murmured to me in Hindi.

"Yes, he is," I replied. "He knows Hindi so you can talk to him."

Sahana placed a hand on Dad's leg. "Thank you for raising such an amazing young woman. She's grown so much and I thank you dearly."

Dad nodded. "You're welcome, Ms. Sahana. I love her a lot."

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