13. Dinner

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I danced around the room as I got ready for the day. I had a lot of meetings to attend to and I'd be damned if I wasn't going to look nice. I chose my best uniform and made sure I had all my weapons. When I left my room, Natasha joined me. We walked to the meeting rooms together and sat down.

We were in there for hours, debating strategies and talking about missions that needed taken care of. It finally ended with the recent damages the Avengers have caused. Nick mentioned how some countries want to control what the superheroes do. I agreed with him, as did most of the other agents in the room.

After the meeting, I left with Natasha and found Rhodey at the compound. He was talking to Tony in an intense arguing kind of way. They noticed Natasha and I as we started talking up to him.

Rhodey smiled and pulled me in a one armed hug. "Hey, Charlie. How was the meeting?"

"It was long but important," I replied. "What are you up to?"

"We're here to talk to Fury," Rhodey replied. "He called us in. Are you willing to go out later tonight?"

"Yeah, if nothing comes up," I replied. "Don't take too long, okay?"

Rhodey smiled as he placed a hand on the back of my neck. "I wouldn't to that for you. I'll text you when I get out."

I smiled a little and squeezed his wrist before leaving. Nat had other things to do and I had paperwork to deal with in my office. I was typing away on my computer hours later when Rhodey walked in.

I smiled as I stood up. "Hey, Rhodey! How was the meeting?"

Rhodey pulled me close. "It was alright. You haven't answered your phone."

"I'm sorry," I replied. "I've been busy. What do you need?"

Rhodey brushed some loose hair out of my face. "Dinner with you. It doesn't  have to be special."

I glanced at the time. "Yeah, once I finish this thing. You can hang out in here while I finish. It shouldn't take too long."

Rhodey agreed and sat down in one of the chairs in front of my desk. I quickly finished up anything that needed to be done, soon finishing. I left with Rhodey and went to a Mexican restaurant, sitting down in a booth in the corner. We ordered soon after.

"This is a lovely place," I commented. "I love coming to places like these and people watching."

"I wouldn't figure you as a people watcher," Rhodey said. "Though you have a job that requires doing it."

I absentmindedly started braiding my hair. "It's pretty fun to do it. We should do it together. I would love to hear some of your input on some people."

"That would be a great date idea," Rhodey said.

"You're just full of ideas for going out, huh?" I joked. "I like it though. It makes for an interesting time together."

Rhodey picked up his drink. "You're an interesting person, Charlie. You intrigue me."

"Is that why you asked me to be your girlfriend?" I asked.

"Partly but also because you're beautiful and kind and a bright soul from the highest rings of heaven," Rhodey complimented.

I blushed. "I wouldn't say I was an angel by no means."

"With that smile, yes, my dear, you are," Rhodey said.

I laughed, smiling widely. "You give amazing compliments. I might want to keep you around just for that."

"I'm sure there are other reasons."

I smiled as I tied the end of my braid. "I like how smart and caring you are. You don't mind that I have trouble and that I won't share it."

"I can wait for you to share whatever you need," Rhodey said. "I am a good listener."

I laughed bitterly. "I hope so. I have a lot to share."

Rhodey spread his hands. "I have a lot of time."

I met his gaze. "One day I will share more personal stuff. But don't be mad at me because I didn't tell you the whole truth."

"I would never get mad at you, Charlie," Rhodey said. "Not when I see that face of yours."

I tossed my braid over my shoulder. "With charm like that, I'm surprised you haven't found anyone else."

The food came before Rhodey answered. We waited until the waitress walked away before we picked our conversation.

"Before I met you, I had no need to be with someone," Rhodey answered. "I was busy with work and the Avengers. I didn't think I needed someone. But you came along and helped me realize that even though I enjoy being alone, I don't enjoy loneliness. I want to be with you for a long time."

I poked at my food. "I know the feeling. I have liked you for a while and I never thought you would return any feelings for me. You were too handsome and too . . . too famous, I guess. I am just an agent and you are War Machine. But you chose me. And I love that."

Rhodey watched me. "How's your food?"

"It's really good. What about yours?"

"I like it," Rhodey replied. "Do you want to get some ice cream after this?"

I nodded as I took a bite, swallowing quickly to answer. "Yeah, of course. I'm pretty sure there's an amazing shop nearby that I've been dying to go to. They have the best chocolate ice cream with pieces of fudge in that is absolutely the best."

Rhodey smiled as he glanced at me. "We'll go. Sounds like a nice place to stop at."

Dinner went as well as possible and we left, my arm tucked into his. We walked down the street to the ice cream shop. I got myself chocolate and sat down with Rhodey outside. The streets were busy with people walking by and cars rushing around as honks filled the air.

"Busy day, isn't it?" Rhodey asked.

"Yeah," I replied. "New York is always like this busy. There's beauty in chaos though."

Rhodey nodded, looking around. "Tonight was very relaxing. Thanks for coming out with me."

I smiled as I finished the last bite of ice cream. "You're welcome. I had fun talking with you. We should do this again sometime."

"I'll be gone for a few weeks," Rhodey replied. "I'm being called back to my Air Force base. We can video chat and stuff but we won't have any dates soon."

"Okay," I replied. "I have some important stuff coming up too so even if you did stay, I would be busy."

Rhodey set his cup down. "I understand how busy agent life can be. Natasha tells me all about her job with SHIELD and it does seem like a lot of work."

"Are you close with Nat?"

Rhodey nodded. "Yeah. She's a good friend of mine. We talk a lot and I love her almost like a sister."

I smiled a little. "She's my best friend. We bonded over the fact we're both female agents. I love her so much."

"I can see why," Rhodey said. "Are you ready to head back to the headquarters?"

I nodded, standing up. "Yeah. Are you going to come with me?"

Rhodey stood up. "Of course, dear. I don't want you to go alone."

I rolled my eyes as I threw away my cup. "I can take care of myself

Rhodey wrapped an arm around my waist. "I know but I want to see you for a bit longer before I go."

I wrapped my arm around Rhodey's waist. "I guess. Nick is probably wondering where I am anyways."

We walked all the way back and into my office. Rhodey pulled me close as soon as I closed the door.

"I'll miss you," Rhodey murmured.

I wrapped my arms around his neck. "I will too. You'll be back soon though."

Rhodey smiled. "I love you."

I smiled back. "I know. Now get out of here before Nick gets suspicious."

Rhodey kissed me quickly before leaving. I couldn't wipe the smile off my face as I sat down at my desk. Rhodey was an amazing man to call my own.

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