16. Realization

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I walked beside Rhodey as he pushed his wheelchair out of the hospital. He had spent many months in bed at that hospital that he was getting restless. It would do him great to be outside again. We got to a quinjet and I got to the cockpit. I started getting the plane ready as Rhodey settled down.

I glanced behind me. "Are you ready?"

Rhodey looked up. "Yeah. Don't get too reckless while flying, okay?"

"Yes, sir," I joked.

Rhodey smiled and shook his head. I started up the quinjet and took off. As we flew, I talked to Rhodey. He was grateful to hear what has been happening but disappointed to hear that Steve and his crew had gotten out. They broke out and were on the run.

"What are your plans for Steve and Co?" Rhodey asked.

"I've already sent a few agents after them," I replied. "To do the whole watch from afar kind of thing. I sent agents that none of them know or ever seen before. We might have some luck finding them."

"Knowing you, you'll find them," Rhodey said. "You're very persistent. That's one thing I like about you."

I rolled my eyes. "You like a bunch of things about me."

"You're a likable person, sweetheart."

I laughed. "Yeah, okay. Do you want some company back there?"

"Maybe in a bit," Rhodey replied. "I might need someone to cuddle with me. Someone has been gone for a long time."

"Lucky for you, I'm good at that," I said. "And I was shut out of the room every time I showed up."

"That was only a few times," Rhodey said. "It's not my fault you were called away before you could come inside."

"I have a busy life."

"I still love you."

I smiled, blushing like a madman. "I love you too, Rhodey."

It was mostly quiet for the rest of the ride. We landed in New York and I helped carry Rhodey's bag. We went up to my room so I could put his bags in there. He stayed in the doorway, waiting for me.

"Waiting to go do something?" I asked.

"I want to see how Tony's doing with the braces," Rhodey replied. "Do you want to come with me?"

"Sure," I replied as I brushed my braid over my shoulder. "I want to give Tony some numbers and see how he's doing as well. I haven't been on the project in a week or two."

Tony and I went down to the lab. Tony was working on putting the braces together and didn't look up until I tapped his shoulder. He stopped his work and looked over, smiling.

He pulled me close. "Hey, Charlie. Long-time, no see. You brought Rhodey!"

Tony greeted Rhodey with a hug and a large smile. We chatted for a bit and I started helping with the braces. Rhodey stood off to the side as he watched us bicker as we worked together. He had a smile on his face the entire time.

I had to leave early to go meet with Nick about updates on Steve Rogers and his band of vigilantes. I kissed Rhodey's cheek as I left. I had to go across New York to get to the base.

I arrived at the base and went straight to Nick's office. He was busy talking to another high-level agent. A few minutes later the agent was dismissed and Nick gave me his entire attention.

"Hey, kid," Nick greeted. "Do you have a report for me?"

"Yeah," I replied, handing over a tablet. "My agents are sending in info almost every week. They're getting closer to finding Steve and Company every day."

Nick grabbed the back of my neck. "You're doing so great, Charlie. I'm proud of you."

I smiled, my heartwarming. "Thanks, Dad."

"Come here," Nick said as he pulled me in.

I hugged him back, closing my eyes as I pressed my head into his chest. He pulled away and we started talking about important dates and potential threats. We talked for a long time before Nick changed the subject.

"Are things serious with Rhodey?" Nick asked.

I nodded. "Yeah. We've been together for a while now and I love him a lot."

And it was true. I did love him a lot and that was the first time I had admitted it to myself. I did want to move in with him one day, like he wanted, and I wanted it as soon as possible.

"I'm glad," Nick said. "He's a good man for you. I approve but if he hurts you, I won't be so nice."

I smiled. "You wouldn't because we're going to stay together for a bit longer. I want to move in with him one day."

"Have you thought about marriage?" Nick asked. "I know it's a bit early but it's never too bad of an idea."

I shrugged. "I wouldn't mind marrying him but I wouldn't do children. I've spent too much time around children to want to have one."

"That orphanage was tough on you, huh?"

I nodded. "I hated whatever I can remember."

"I'm glad I adopted you," Nick stated. "I don't say that enough. You are my pride and joy, even if I don't show it all the time."

I stepped away, starting to get awkward. "Thanks, Dad. I'll be in my office."

I walked out before he could say anything. I sat at my desk to work on stuff. I was soon distracted by the words I had said earlier. I realized that I really did want to move in with Rhodey and live with him full time. He was the love of my life. He made everything a little better.

I smiled as I continued working. I didn't go home until late. The Tower was empty and devoid of any souls. I went to my room to find Rhodey in my bed, asleep. I smiled and kissed his forehead.

I changed as quietly as possible and crawled into bed. I slipped into Rhodey's arms as I tried to get as comfortable as possible. He wrapped his arms around me in his sleep, pulling me as close as possible. I smiled as I laid there. I was safe in the best possible place ever.

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