31. Bad News

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I walked through the Stark Tower, making endless amounts of business calls. I was heading to my office and had a ton of work to do. Not to mention that I had to call the Wakandan royal family to invite them to my wedding. I hoped that they would come but I wasn't too sure. They were my friends but they were also the royal family of Wakanda. They were probably busy doing whatever royal families do.

I got to my office and sat down. I finished up the business call I was on and started doing some work. I started filling out paperwork, trying to get most of it done before I got too tired or I got interrupted. I had to focus before I took a break to call Shuri. We had been talking for months, giving updates to each other about different projects. She was one of my good friends.

I worked for about two hours before I took a break. I called Shuri while I dug around my desk for a snack. She answered and I talked to her for a while. She accepted my invitation to my wedding and said she would try to convince T'Challa along with some others to come.

We talked for a while before we ended the call. I put my phone down and leaned back in my chair, sighing. It had been a long day and a lot of stuff to do. I didn't want to do any of it but I had to. I seemed to have a ton of things to do since my wedding date was coming closer and closer. We had set the date on May 26th, a day close to summer but still technically spring.

It was a few months away but close enough that I was almost panicking about things that hadn't been done yet. Rhodey had been called away with the Air Force so he couldn't be helping as much. I had Tony and Pepper to help but most of the burden of the planning was on me.

I started doing my work and didn't end until about seven at night. I went downstairs to get food. Sahana had left a plate of food on the counter wrapped in clear wrap. I smiled as I read the note she left me. Sahana was my favorite person ever.

Taking the plate to my room, I sat at my desk to do some paperwork as I worked. I finally decided to start getting ready for bed. I put all my papers in a neater pile and I took my plate back downstairs. When I got back to my room, I was getting a call from Rhodey.

I answered and a holographic version of Rhodey appeared in the middle of my room. He was dress in his uniform and had a tired look on his face. He smiled a bit sad when he saw me though.

"Hey, baby," he greeted.

I stepped closer to the hologram. "What's wrong?"

"I can't make it back until the day before the wedding," Rhodey said, a regretful expression on his face. "I'm really sorry, Charlie, I am. I meant to come back before then but the Air Force is keeping me longer."

I sighed, rubbing my forehead. "Okay. Any ideas on how we can make this work?"

"We can call more often," Rhodey said. "I don't have as many meetings planned as I did before but I know I will be busy. We can make it work though."

I nodded, hugging myself with my arms. "Okay. I know the Wakandan royal family might be coming. Shuri said she'll try to get T'Challa and their mother to come. Have you called your family?"

"Yes," Rhodey said. "They're coming and they want to help you with planning. I know it's going to be tough with me not being there with you but they're willing to help."

I nodded. "Okay. I'll give them a call when I can. Thanks for telling me about your absence."

"I'm really sorry," Rhodey said. "I wouldn't do something like that to you if I wasn't required to stay away."

I ran a hand through my hair. "I know and I get it. I really do. I've been pulled away from you because of SHIELD and you were patient with me. The best I can do in return is to do the same."

Rhodey stepped forward, trying to comfort me. "I'm really sorry, baby. I wish I could be there with you to comfort you. It has to be lonely without me."

I nodded, looking down. "It is, I have to admit it. I have Tony and Pepper and Sahana. I have them to go to but I miss you being around."

"I know. I do too," Rhodey said. "How's the planning going?'

I rubbed my face. "Good. I have a lot done already and Sahana is helping a lot. There are a few others, like Pepper. We've got things pretty much everything down."

"Again, I'll help as much as possible," Rhodey said. "I'll call you whenever I can."

I nodded. "Okay. I'll call you soon, okay, babe?"

Rhodey nodded, looking down a bit sadly. "I'm sorry. I'll make it up to you somehow."

I smiled a little. "Just be there on our wedding day, okay?"

Rhodey nodded, giving me a sad smile of sorts. "Of course, I will. I wouldn't let the love of my life to be very disappointed."

I chuckled. "Just get home safe. I love you a lot."

Rhodey nodded. "See you then. I love you too."

I smiled at him as he disappeared. I brushed my hair into a ponytail and sat on the edge of my bed. I let out a shaky breath. I couldn't believe that Rhodey couldn't return until the night before our wedding but it was alright. I had people there for me but they weren't Rhodey. They weren't my baby Rhodey.

It was sad, yes, but I couldn't get down on myself. I had to do things for myself because I was my own independent person. I was a SHIELD agent. I was trained in doing things myself. But it seemed that I had gotten used to having someone by my side but I needed to figure things out by myself.

I shook myself out of whatever I was in and got ready for bed. I laid down, reaching out to touch the spot Rhodey would be laying. It was cold and empty. I rolled over to face the wall, trying to ignore the emptiness of my bed. I fell asleep like that, alone and trying to ignore it.

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