29. Night Together

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I woke up Saturday morning with Rhodey by my side. It was our last day in Mumbai and we had to go pick up Sahana from the orphanage before leaving on a Quinjet. I couldn't wait to be with Sahana again. She was the closest person I had a mother and she loved me like her own daughter.

I walked up to the apartment complex that Sahana lived at. She was still in her apartment getting things ready. Once she was done, I helped her carry things down. She had a couple of bags to carry. Sahana walked into the Quinjet, not surprised about the high tech of the craft, and kissed Rhodey's cheek when he greeted us.

I smiled at the moment, kissing Rhodey's other cheek. I got into the cockpit and started the Quinjet. We took off and headed for New York. I heard Rhodey trying to Sahana and the bickering that ensued. I couldn't help but laugh at them. They didn't understand each other but still fought like they knew what the other was saying.

We made it home later that night. I took Sahana to her room and made sure she was settled down. I even helped her unpack her bags. She had done so much for me that it was almost expected of me.

I kissed her goodnight and joined Rhodey in our room. Rhodey was already in bed, reading something on his phone. I discarded all of my clothes and didn't bother changing into pajamas before crawling into bed. I cuddled against Rhodey and buried my head into his chest. Rhodey rubbed my back and kissed my forehead.

"What do you think about Sahana?" I murmured.

"I like her," Rhodey replied. "I've noticed she treats you like her own daughter."

I nodded a little bit. "Yeah, she does. I was her favorite kid at the orphanage and she always gave me extra food when we had it."

"What's the name you always call her?" Rhodey asked. "I recognized the same word you said when you talked to her."

"Auntie?" I asked in Hindi.

"Yes, that one," Rhodey said. "What does it mean?"

"Auntie," I translated. "It's a term of endearment I use for Sahana. She's like a mother to me but she always refused to let me call her Mom. She said she was too old to be my mother. Besides, she said she would remember giving birth to a street rat like me."

"You must have been a terrible child," Rhodey joked. "You haven't changed much since."

I smacked his stomach. "You're terrible, babe."

Rhodey buried his hand in my hair and kissed me on the forehead before moving down. He kissed my lips, getting more and more passionate by the second.

I helped Rhodey out of his clothes and we got down and dirty. A half-hour later I laid with my back against the wall, breathing heavily. Rhodey laid on the edge of the bed, trying to even his breathing.

I rested a hand on his chest. "Thank you for that."

Rhodey smiled momentarily. "You're welcome. I needed it too."

I rolled onto my stomach. "What do you want to do for our wedding? And what season do you want it in?"

"What are you thinking?"

"Late spring," I replied. "Like March or something. I like the idea of having a lot of flowers at my wedding and my hair. It's long enough to have flowers in it."

Rhodey started combing my hair. "I think that'd look beautiful. You got your dress, right?"

"Yeah," I replied. "And you're not allowed to see it until the wedding day."

Rhodey twirled a lock of my hair. "I know. It's bad luck. That's fine with me. Spring is a nice time to have a wedding. It means new beginnings and new life. My new life with you."

I buried my head into his shoulder, breathing in. "I love that. I love you a lot, Rhodey. I'm glad we're together."

"To be truthful with you, I thought you were far too young and beautiful to be with an old guy like me," Rhodey confessed. "I thought you wouldn't like me the way you do. That you'd be too high energy and running over all over the place. But you're not. You're perfect for me. You're the love of my life and I wouldn't want it any other way."

I studied his face. "So you were in love with me the moment you saw me?"

Rhodey met my gaze."Yes. From the very moment I saw you. I understand now why it didn't work with anyone else. It's because I hadn't met you."

I blushed. "You're so sweet, babe. Do you believe in soulmates then?"

"Because of you, yes."

I laughed, kissing his shoulder. "I love that. I'm going to like married life with you."

Rhodey rolled on top of me. "Just think of the wedding night."

I laughed and pushed him off. "I'll think of it when it gets here, you dirty man."

Rhodey kissed my jaw before sitting up. "It's late. You should go to sleep."

"What about you?" I asked as he got out of bed.

"I'm going to the bathroom," Rhodey replied. "I'll be back soon. Go to sleep."

I whined softly as I buried my head into my pillow. Rhodey pulled on a pair of boxers and pants and left with a shirt in his hands. I closed my eyes and sighed heavily. The blanket was covering me up to my lower back. I tossed and turned for about a half an hour before I fell asleep.

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