23. Back Again

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Almost two years had gone by and working with the new SHIELD was stressful. We were constantly on the run and keeping off the radar of the government. I was running a small group of agents that traveled around the world more often than Coulson's team but stayed in almost constant contact with them.

But after most of my team had been taken down by Hydra, I sent the others back to Coulson and took a break. The constant grind of being on the run with little to no money was tough. I needed to see Rhodey and Tony again to see how they were doing.

I showed up at the Tower with no warning. I asked around and was informed that Tony and Rhodey were in Tony's lab. I went in without asking and smiled at my two idiots. I leaned against one of the counters and watched them for a couple of minutes.

After about fifteen minutes, I spoke up. "I thought you guys would smarten up a bit after I left."

Tony grinned at me. "Charlie! You shouldn't scare me like that."

I laughed, allowing Tony to hug me. "I'm just having fun with my boys. How are you?"

Tony held onto me. "We're doing alright but without you and your brains, it's been tough."

I pulled away. "I bet."

I couldn't say another word before Rhodey pulled me into a hug. He squeezed me as tight as he could and buried his head into my shoulder.

"Hey, Rhodey," I murmured. "I missed you."

"I missed you too, sweetheart," Rhodey muttered. He pulled away and grabbed my face. "Don't do that to me again, okay?"

I laughed. "No promise but with everything, it might come down to it again. I'm sorry baby."

Rhodey sighed but pulled me in again. After that, all three of us had dinner together. It was a homemade dinner which was perfect. I hadn't had one of them in a long time.

We had spent a long time after finishing just talking at the table. It was so nice to be with them again. I felt at ease and finally able to relax for once. I wasn't on the run if only for a moment. A sweet, wonderful moment.

Dinner ended and I helped clean up. We finished up and I went up to my room with Rhodey. We cuddled up on the bed together, Rhodey's arm around my shoulders as I rested my head against him.

"You left Fury's jacket here," Rhodey murmured. "I left it on the chair for you."

"You didn't have to," I said. "You could have hung it up."

Rhodey combed his hair through my hair. "I know how important it is to you since Fury left. Have you found him?"

I shook my head. "That's my next mission. I have a few leads already. I don't know if I should find him though. He made it clear that he doesn't want to be found."

"I'm sure he won't mind seeing his daughter again after so long," Rhodey said. "I can pull some strings for you."

I shrugged, shaking his head. "I don't need it. I want to do this on my own."

Rhodey shifted away. "You don't have to this alone."

I looked him in the eye. "I want to. I need to. He's my dad and I know how he acts. I know what he's going to do. If I have someone with me, it'll slow me down and give Dad a heads up. I'm sorry, baby, but this is something I want to do myself. Something I have to do."

"I want to help you, Charlie. Let me do it."

"Rhodey, I know that but you're not an agent." I placed a hand on his arm. "I love you a lot, baby, and I appreciate that you want to help but I have to do this. Dad will know if you're in the same place as him. I know that if I go after him, I have a better chance of finding him."

Rhodey's lips curled up a little as he placed a hand on the side of my face. "I guess the life of an agent is not an easy one and the path is rough. At least we have tonight."

"Do you want to make it worth it?" I asked.

Rhodey didn't even answer before kissing me. He pushed me back onto the bed. We made out for about fifteen minutes before things went more into it. I needed this release.


I laid cuddled up against Rhodey, half asleep. I lightly traced his chest with my finger as he played with my hair. Our legs were tangled with each other and the blankets.

"I got you a ring," Rhodey murmured. "It's not much but it's enough for you. I hope you like it."

"Are you proposing?" I tiredly muttered. "Because I am too tired and I refuse to have my proposal like this. I only accept romantic ones."

Rhodey chuckled. "Fine, if you demand it."

I smiled into Rhodey's shoulder. "I do in fact."



"I love you."

I yawned. "I love you too, baby."

"I'm going to miss you when you leave," Rhodey said. "Tell the Director that we're getting married when you see him. I don't want him to be surprised when he figures out when our wedding is."

I sat up to look Rhodey in the eye. "You're really pushing to put a ring on it, huh?"

Rhodey smiled. "As long as I have you, yes. I love you with all of my heart and I will miss you every day that you aren't in my arms."

I hit him lightly. "You're such a romantic dweed. I'm going to the bathroom."

I got out of bed, padding down the hallway. I only took a few minutes and returned to bed. I cuddled up against Rhodey, sighing peacefully. Rhodey held me close as we talked softly. It wasn't long before I fell asleep in peace, knowing I was safe.

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