09. Cafe Date

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I sat with Tony as I worked out equations and numbers. I typed away on my tablet, shooting questions at Tony while I did. He would ask me questions as he put together something made of wires and metal. Tony even threw some questions at me when he didn't understand something.

Around midday, Rhodey came in. He leaned against a table and watched us for a few minutes.

I didn't look up until I finished an equation. "Yes, Rhodey?"

"Do you want to go to a café?" Rhodey asked. "There's one nearby that I like going to."

"Yeah, sure," I replied. "I'll need to grab my wallet first."

"Don't worry, I'll pay," Rhodey said.

"Are you going on a date?" Tony asked. "Is this a date?"

I hopped off the counter, setting aside the tablet. "Not for you, it isn't. I'll be back soon."

I left Tony behind as I walked out with Rhodey. It wasn't until we left the building until we finally started talking to each other.

"So how's your project doing?" Rhodey asked.

"Well," I replied. "We're getting the majority of the numbers done first before we start building but Tony being Tony has to start as soon as possible. It was starting to hurt my brain.

"Glad I could pull you out in time," Rhodey said.

"Which I appreciate a lot, by the way," I replied. "What's this cafe like?"

"It's really quiet and not too busy," Rhodey answered. "I think you'll like it. It seems like you."

"That's really nice of you to say," I said.

"You're welcome," Rhodey said.

"How'd you discover it?" I asked.

"Wandering, I guess," Rhodey replied. "They have great pastries."

"I can't wait," I said. "I love pastries. Especially the chocolate ones."

Rhodey grabbed my hand when we stopped to wait at a crosswalk. "Do you like chocolate?"

I nodded. "Yes. I love dark chocolate more though. It tastes better."

"I don't have much of an opinion," Rhodey said, "but I'll keep that in mind."

I looked at him, my mouth open in surprise. "Are you going to gift me or something?"

Rhodey stared ahead, a small smile playing on his lips. "I won't say. I'm just saying that I'll keep it in mind."

I laughed. "Okay. Just so you know, chocolate that's around in the 70% percent cocoa range is usually the best."

Rhodey nodded and pulled me into a cafe. "This is it."

We got into line and we held hands the entire time. When we ordered our drinks, we waited until we got what we paid for before we sat down. I sat across from Rhodey and stared into his eyes as we talked. Rhodey held my gaze, a loving smile on his lips. Oh, those beautiful and kissable lips. How I wished to kiss them and see just how soft they were.

I cleared my mind of those thoughts though they kept coming back. I wondered how tight his hugs were and how gentle his touches were. My breath caught in my throat as my mind went to other places.

Rhodey's eyebrows furrowed. "Is something wrong?"

I shook my head. "No, nothing. I was just thinking. It was really stupid."

"Nothing is too stupid to say," Rhodey said. "Tell me."

I shook my head. "I was taught in the ways of avoiding questioning. I won't tell you anything."

Rhodey leaned forward. "It's a good thing I was taught the ways of interrogating."

I shook my head, keeping on a cold face. "No, absolutely not."

Rhodey got closer. "Are you sure?"

My breath caught in my throat again. "I won't say a thing."

At this moment Rhodey's lips were barely an inch from my face. "Things might go badly for you."

I met his gaze, raising an eyebrow. "If it goes the way I think it might, who is to say I won't enjoy it?"

Rhodey leaned back in his chair, smiling. "You're an interesting character, Charlie. I can't wait until the party later this week."

I rested my head against my hand. "I can't either. I love going to parties. I'm glad I can go with someone I enjoy being around."

"I enjoy being around you too," Rhodey said. "I just met you but I know we're going to be good friends."

"You've already decided?" I teased.

Rhodey smiled. "Yeah. I'm usually right on my gut feeling. I know this is going to work out."

"I hope so," I said. "I've lost a lot of friends."

"I can imagine," Rhodey replied. "Are you ready to go? Tony's probably wondering where you are."

I got up with my cup. "Yeah, probably. He wouldn't be anywhere without my brains."

"I feel the same as well," Rhodey said as we walked out. "We went to MIT together and I watched over him while we studied."

I grabbed his hand. "That's cool. You must have a lot of stories."

Rhodey shook his head. "Like you wouldn't believe. I'll tell you over a drink sometime."

"You can tell me at the party," I replied. "I wouldn't mind some embarrassing stories of my best friend."

Rhodey just smiled as we walked. We got back to the tower and I rejoined Tony, Rhodey still following. I kissed him quickly on the cheek before picking up my tablet. I didn't want to look back at him in fear of the expression on his face.

I talked with Tony and worked with him for the rest of the night. I went to my room around midnight. I took off any make up I had on and started changing. I put my hair into a braid and crawled into bed, restless as I tossed and turned. I thought of the party that was only a few days away. I was nervous and excited. I was going with Rhodey, a man I had feelings for and was so kind.

My thoughts wandered to what I did earlier. My body instantly filled with shame when I remembered I had kissed Rhodey's cheek. It was probably unwarranted. I didn't know if Rhodey wanted it or not. It was just a simple kiss on the cheek and I felt such shame for it.

I rolled over and pressed my face into my pillow. I couldn't think about it when I was trying to sleep. I had a lot to do the next day with helping Tony and training. I couldn't think of some dumb mistake I made.

Mistakes Were Made (Avengers/James Rhodes)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant