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So! You know how I'm wanting to get a tail? I was looking on amazon and I found this one

I'm wanting this one! Before I buy it I'm going to ask the seller if it's handcrafted or if it came from an actual animal because if so I'm not buying

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I'm wanting this one! Before I buy it I'm going to ask the seller if it's handcrafted or if it came from an actual animal because if so I'm not buying.

Also I had a ear cameo shift again from the fox and the same small snout, I was quite upset and I felt the ears go flat down and I bared my teeth and let out a growl; I didn't even mean it! It just sorta happened. I haven't even seen my boyfriend today and I'm sad. I get to see him to tomorrow though. I'm wearing my collar tomorrow and I'm excited!

Tomorrow is literally the most hectic day, the last day of school, the lip sync battle is on, ahhh just everything will be I don't even know, lots of people have asked me if I'm doing the lip sync battle and I said yes; even know I don't know if I am. One thing for sure, I've got their support. I feel like I'd be letting them down x3 oh well. It all depends if my boyfriend had signed us up or not 🤷‍♂️. We actually have to sing. Me and singing in the same sentence? Ha no. Even though I was singing at the bus stop I was waiting at x) seriously, the busses always seem to come quicker when I sing I kid you not 😂

*Rant ahead*

So I was reading this Therians diary and apparently humans want to hunt down all us non humans and test on us and kill us? Pretty sure that wouldn't happen. The therian also bought a hunted coyote tail because of "OvErPoPuLaTiOn" well I'm not reading their diary anymore. Sounds pathetic but I do NOT support animal hunting whatsoever and for whatever reason too. Shame too be sure they are really nice. Surprising fact, I don't agree with animal killing for any reason, may it be food, clothes whatever but I'm not a vegan (I used to be)

That's pretty much all! Only half a day more until the official holidays and I can't wait! I'm definitely making a burrow over the holiday! As well as doing an essay and finishing a pine cone art I have to do 🙄

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