My identity story

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So! This is how I came round awakening as a therian! //you can't chose to be a therian, you are either born one or not//
Buckle up, this is one hell of a story 😂

So, I was watching a teen werewolves video and looking through the comments and I came across Therians! I looked more into it and I thought "I must be one of them! Like something just clicked inside of me. When I was younger I was obsessed with wolves and identified as one, even up until my teen years (Not so much now though, I still like them but like eh) so I tried some meditation and called out for the animal. Then after a few minutes a arctic wolf appeared and I thought "yes! She is me and I'm her! I always knew I was a wolf!" Yeah think Again younger naive me. So I talked with the wolf for a bit and she told me her name and showed me around her den, she has pups and a blackish brown mate. So I heavily identified as her for a good few months and meditated regularly to see and talk to her. Again that was me being the small naive child I was. She even told me she was a spirit guide and not a theriotype but I shook it off and identified as her anyways. Anytime I would I would remind my mom and she didn't really like the fact. I would be like "Mom imma wolf!" There was this point she got mad and was like "your not a wolf! You have human skin! You are a human!" Something along the lines of that and I got upset about it. But now as I'm older I understand why. It can be quite anoying hearing that nearly 24/7. I had many shifts as the arctic wolf. So roundabout  a year later one day as I was up at my aunties house, (and way more mature than I was) Something automatically clicked inside of me and I was like "That white wolf isn't me" so I looked more into it via meditation, even as the white wolf I still had memories from my Canaan dog side but I shook it off again. (Being took home by my owner and many more) so then I had these visions from my past life as a Canaan dog. I kept on looking into it with the help of PD, a therian you tuber who identifies as a pink river dolphin and a Swiss white shepherd dog. He helped me look into all the different dog breeds similar to the Canaan dog. So after a few days I kinfirmed that I was indeed a Canaan dog! I've been one stuck in a Pimpy human body all my life, but only realised it two or a year ago! That's the story summed up there's many more cringe worthy I left out. God I was a cringe child.

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