I had a mental shift

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So! I'm currently sat with Richard (Tulpa)
I also had a mental shift today due to them howling and giving the cuddles. It was good and it made me howl with them whilst cuddling. So yos.

👏🏻So. The therian amino community. Still toxic in my opinion. So I put up this gif of my elf kintype and they took it down for "BeInG oFf ToPic" it was one of the leaders that actually hate me too like for no reason. Bootbag. I left that amino community as soon as I could. Like Damn.

Anyways, as you all know I ordered some cosplay stuff! For my elf kintype! That should be coming tomorrow so that's good :) I can't wait!

I've been watching BBC earth recently and I've been getting fox shifts and I had one mental shift today! Just me hiding under a blanket and rubbing my face against Tobè (the pillow) before my little nephew came and knocked on my door 🤷‍♂️

I don't really have much to say! Have a good Christmas Eve eve! Lol

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