Case Log - Entry 2

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It turns out that the information Archie received from Roderick was just about a few other recordings of interviews that he had managed to find through some old police records kept online. Most were pretty useless from teachers who all pretty much said the same thing; He was in school for the entire day he was missing, a good student with high grades, and rarely caused trouble in class. However, there was one interview that did seem particularly interesting. Archie thought otherwise, but I can find some use of it. I decided to write it out when I got home from the cafe and will, for the sake of keeping track of things, write it here as well... But I have cramp in my hand and my pen is running out of ink.

Police: This interview is being recorded. The date is the 4th of June, 2018, the starting time for this interview is 10:34 am. I am... [blablabla official police stuff, names and boring useless information. Unimportant. Don't have enough ink for this.] Please, state your full name clearly.

AK: Amelia Karr.

Police: And how old are you, Amelia?

AK: Sixteen.

Police: Because this is a voluntary interview, you are free to ask to stop at any point. As we understand it, you are a significant witness in this case- I mean, you are Jason Barber's girlfriend. Is that correct?

AK: That's right. We hadn't been dating for long though... I think it's only been three months. But we have been friends for the past five years.

Police: Since 2013?

AK: Yeah, around about.

Police: And when did you last see Jason?

AK: At school on Friday. We weren't in any of the same classes, but we usually walked home together on Fridays. He told me after school that he couldn't that day because he had to pick something up from his house. That was the last time I saw him. I didn't ask anything, it didn't seem weird at the time.

Police: Did he ever make any indication that he could have wanted to run away from home?

AK: No, never. He seemed really happy. He had a good family, good friends, I can't imagine him ever wanting to throw that away. I can't see any reason why he would run away.

Police: No family problems? Problems at school?

AK: Nothing. Like I said, he had a good family. I spent a lot of my time with them and they seemed genuinely happy, very kind people. I'll admit that there were some problems at school, teachers aren't always the nicest. But it was nothing that could cause him to run away, he got good grades and was really popular.

Police: I see. Do you have any idea what he could have gone home for? Where he might have gone after that?

AK: No. He had a lot of friends, he could have gone to see one of them. Like I said, he was really popular, it was difficult to keep track of the people he knew.

Police: And have you had any contact with him since he went missing? Texts? Phone calls?

AK: No, I've been calling him nonstop but since this morning, my calls stopped going through, now I only go to voicemail.

Police: Okay. Thank you, Amelia. If we have any more questions, we will get in contact. I am ending the interview now at 10:44 am.

There's a lot that can be learned from this. Amelia is another possible source of information about Jason Barber (as frightening as she is), he had friends that even those close to him didn't necessarily know and on the day he went missing, he had supposedly gone home to pick something up. There's possibly more that I am missing right now, but I am tired and will read this interview again in the morning to be sure that I'm not being dumb and missing something huge in the smaller details.

For now, I should focus on what I know. On Thursday I'll walk from the school to the Barber's house and see what I find on my way there, time how long it takes and see if anything jumps out at me. It's possible that he never went home at all, his parents never saw him, but they also could have been working. Either way, there's no harm in looking.

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