Case Log- Entry 10

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I have my notebook back and it's time to focus. Like actually focus. Archie brought it back along with what evidence we had left and, while my notebook is fine, I think there were more files missing from the evidence. Or that might have been because I lost them myself. I've been losing a lot recently, my mind included.

I'm looking back over all of the evidence and I'm focusing solely on the facts. No what if's and no assumptions. But, I don't have much.

Jason Barber went missing on the 2nd, but his phone was still working and receiving calls until the 4th. He had hidden drugs in his room with a note leading to the hotel, a vague coded location which I also found in a purse that Ricky was carrying. A majority of the evidence that could help to figure this case out is missing. I began to receive threats after first asking the boys about Jason and learning he was involved with drugs

I just can't wrap my head around it. I'm even beginning to wonder if this entire time, it was just a stranger to this entire thing. A guy on the street saw Jason and took him, no trace, no nothing. It's ridiculous that it's still possible because I just don't have a timeline to work with. But I don't want to believe that's the case, it doesn't make sense. Why would I be getting threats if it was a stranger, how would they know where I go to school and which locker is mine?

But... Who does know where my locker is?

The boys do of course, Archie and Roderick probably know too from conversations with them, maybe they told people. But that's a weird fact to share. Kids around school must know too, Ricky, Amelia, teachers. But, how would a teacher know how I'm progressing with my case? I rarely see any and I don't go to school enough. Unless that's something else I'm missing but I don't think it is. I haven't found a trace of teachers being involved, so I'll dismiss that for now.

Except that leads me to wonder how Jason disappeared. I think it's clear that he is probably not alive anymore, traces of his blood on a broken phone and on the street, they don't look good. So going by the assumption that he is dead, and that the only viable people who would know where my locker is are students, then how would a kid hide his body?

This wasn't done by just one person. I couldn't have been. Missing evidence, hiding a dead body, leaving no trace and having the time to follow me around and leave me death threats. It doesn't make sense.

And by that logic, it's still entirely possible that Ricky was involved.

I planned on dismissing him as a suspect because he was at the cafe five minutes before my apartment was destroyed. It was possible that he just liked to cause trouble and that's all there was to him, it could have been a similar case to Ryan in that he seemed suspicious. But with Ricky, things don't add up. I know he was friends with Jason, but he has no trace of him on social media, so much so that I didn't realise they were friends until much later. Ricky is currently involved in the same sort of thing Jason was.

It felt too obvious, I didn't want to believe he was involved because it made me feel stupid. But if there's more, then it makes sense. Somebody else could have broken into my apartment while he was in the South. And the meeting at the hotel, it could have been him. It must have been.

Or am I pulling at loose threads and hoping something more will come out of this?

I keep doubting myself and it's slowing me down.

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