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Scorpius Malfoy and his best friend Albus Potter were sitting on the floor of Scorpius' bedroom, studying and talking. The two did this often, everyday even. The two would just sit and ask each other for help. Sometimes they would take a break and watch a movie on the small tv that Scorpius had in his room.

"Do you have a crush on anyone?" Scorpius had asked out of curiosity. It was normal for the two to randomly ask each other questions.

Albus' cheeks turned red almost immediately, he didn't look up at Scorpius, who was staring at him patiently.

"No." Albus replied as casually as he could, though his voice was shaky and uncertain.

"Your lying." Scorpius knew his friend all too well. So of course he knew when he was lying.

"I'm not."

"I can tell you most definitely are."




"Albus you're blushing."

And Scorpius was right, Albus was in fact still blushing, though it was clear he was trying to hide it. He sighed in defeat and looked up at Scorpius who was staring at him.

"So, who is it?" Scorpius pondered. "I mean, it's not like I have seen you looking at, or talking to anyone at school. Most of the time you are looking and talking to me."

Scorpius' speech slowed as he concluded his thoughts, the realization had dawned on him.


"I like you."

Albus' words took Scorpius by surprise and before he could answer he felt Albus' lips on his. At first, he was in shock, but he kissed back, and became more comfortable. he wrapped an arm gently around Albus' neck to pull him closer, his other hand gliding through the shorter boy's hair. The kiss didn't last as long as Scorpius or Albus had hoped. Albus pulled away and stared at Scorpius' silver eyes, as if he was searching for something. Scorpius shivered as he felt Albus' warm breath on his lips. Before Scorpius could say anything, Albus broke free from Scorpius' hold and started to frantically pack up how things muttering quiet sorries as he stood up and rushed out of the door, hoping that Scorpius wouldn't follow. But of course he did. Scorpius ran after Albus, catching up and grabbing hold of his arm.

"Albus, what's wrong?" Scorpius asked, a little out of breath. "Where are you going?"

Albus didn't answer but just wriggled free from Scorpius' grip and ran out the front door. He ran through the Malfoy's large front garden and out the gate, leaving Scorpius standing at the door watching in shock. Did I do something wrong? Scorpius thought as he stood in silence for a few minutes, hoping he would see Albus running back. After a total of 10 minutes, Scorpius saw no sign of Albus, so he walked back inside, shutting the door roughly behind him. He walked slowly up to his bedroom and sat at his desk, facing a window that gave him a direct view of the front garden. Scorpius sat there for a while, staring off into space, before taking out a sketch book and some pencils. No one knew he could draw, not even Albus. It wasn't something he liked to announce. Scorpius, not knowing what to draw, looked around his room, his eyes landed on a picture of Albus he had pinned to his wall. He stared at it for a while. Albus was laughing in the picture, he was happy.

Scorpius started drawing, he kept glancing at the picture of Albus, a reference. He spent hours drawing the picture of Albus and before long he found it became too dark to see, so he turned on his desk lamp and continued. He had told his father that he didn't feel like having dinner, but Draco bought him up something to eat. Scorpius, who was starving, devoured it quickly before continuing to draw. He finished at around 11:30 ish, he yawned and closed the book, shutting his blinds and walking tiredly over to his bed. Before he reached his bed, he was stopped by a small leather book that lay scattered on the ground. He knew for a fact that he didn't own one, especially one that had the name 'Albus' carved roughly into the cover. Scorpius picked it up.

"Huh." He muttered continuing to walk over to his bed, sitting down and examining the book.

He opened the first page and knew it was a diary. Scorpius shut it immediately, knowing it was private and not meant to be read by others, he tried to resist his curiosity. He put it safely on his bedside table and slipped under the covers before turning his light off.

All Scorpius could think and dream about that night was the feeling of Albus kissing him and how much he liked it. How much he didn't want it to end. And then there was the way Albus reacted. It kept him awake.


This is my first Wattpad story, so it probably sucks.

Feel free to correct mistakes but you might be ignored since I have no idea what's good and what's not.

I also suck at writing romantic things, so it also probably sucks


I LIKE YOU-A SCORBUS  STORYWhere stories live. Discover now