Chapter 14: Despair

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The village was nestled in a valley, surrounded by low-rising hills. As the land grew level, the trees started disappearing, giving way to wide expanses of fields. The harvest had been done, and the lands lay bare and empty, devoid of any life. Weeds were raising their heads once again on the edges, crawling their way into the fields. A few tendrils of smoke curled up into the sky in the distance.

As you rode along the winding dirt road, you lifted your eyes to the large grey clouds looming in the sky. There was a weight in your stomach, a sense of impending doom. It wasn't easy to forget the hoof-beats that surrounded you-twenty men, all armed. And then there was Jimin, of course. Riding in the front, the determined set of his shoulders and the sword dangling at his hip sending chills through your heart.

You turned a curve, and the horses came to a stop.

The villages had come out to meet the party. They stood in neat rows, cutting off the road. The men in the front, the women and the children behind them. Their bodies were tanned from hours spent working under the sun, and in their eyes was a mixture of anger and despair that you had never seen before.

"What do you think you are doing?" Jungkook said, leading his horse towards them. "Do you dare block the way of Prince Jimin?"

"You don't leave us with much of a choice," said a man as he stepped forward from the group.

He was taller than the rest, with wide-set shoulders and a slender body. In his hand was an old shovel, rusted and caked with dirt. You cast your eyes about, realising that all the men were armed with similar things. Rakes and shovels and sickles instead of swords and spears.

"So you are the notorious rebels, huh?" Jimin chuckled. "I'm almost disappointed."

As his eyes roamed over the crowd, the man in the front met him with an unflinching stare.

"You must be their leader," Jimin spurred his horse to walk forward. "What's your name?"

"I'm not their leader," the man replied, knuckles turning white as his hands clenched around the handle of his shovel. "And my name is Jin. Seokjin."

Jimin hummed as if in thought.

"Seokjin, my friend." He leaned down. "Look at your people. They aren't fighters, and they won't stand a chance against my guard. This is suicide."

"That's why we are doing this, Your Highness," Jin said, letting out a bitter laugh. "We have nothing left but suicide. Might as well turn it into a grand exit."

"Bold words, but foolish," Jimin said, pointing towards the back rows. "You brought your women and children along for the grand exit?"

"We don't have another choice," the man repeated, lifting his chin. The people behind him followed his example, raising their tired eyes at the prince in one last act of defiance.

Jimin was silent for a moment. Then he hopped off his horse and walked over to the group.

Your fists clenched around the reins of your horse.

"You go on and on about choice, Jin," he hissed at him. "Have you considered talking?"

The man stepped back. "Talking with whom?"

"With me, of course." Jimin inclined his head. "Let's sit down somewhere quiet and discuss this. We don't have to fight for no reason."

Jin narrowed his eyes as he took in the man standing in front of him. He studied his face, chewing the inside of his cheek as he came to a decision.


A woman suddenly pushed her way to the front. She grabbed his hand and jerked him back.

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