Chapter 1

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I sat at my desk waiting for the infamous end of the world drill to take place. Yes, you heard it right folks, the end of the world drill. The school superintendent sure didn't try to make it any less obvious with a name that could have potentially cleaned up how incredibly stupid we all seemed for having one. I sighed and looked over at my best friend in the whole entire world Jake, who looked just as frustrated as me. Finally, a high-pitched alarm that rang out, paused and then made 3 simultaneous high-pitched beeping noises, paused and continued that pattern for a few minutes. Everyone fell to the floor almost simultaneously. I hated this drill the most, airstrikes. We hadn't done an airstrike drill in a while, and I definitely could live without it, as it is one of the most useless safety tactics ever implemented. I mean how exactly are you supposed to protect yourself from an airstrike. We had all sorts of drills from natural disasters to mass shooting drills, to atomic bombing drills. I bet you wonder how we know what drill we need to do when we hear the alarm, well each specific drill has a unique bell ring and cadence. At the beginning of the first quarter, we are drilled to death on each unique sound and how to carry out the actual drill. Each class is rated based on how fast and accurate they are able to do the drill. The alarm finally went off and we were all silent for a few minutes before the intercom came on signaling that the drill was over. I sighed with relief.

"I'm so glad that stupid drill is over," I said out loud.

I got up and pretended to sharpen my pencil, but instead started talking to Jake.

"I'm so sick of this boring day," Jake said beginning to pack his bookbag even though there were still a few minutes left of class.

"Don't worry dude we're about to leave soon," I reassured him.

"Not soon enough," he replied.

I sat back down at my desk and organized my stuff to the best of my ability. I sighed and sat there a few minutes ignoring the last-minute announcements my teacher was making. After a while, the bell finally rang and I got up and walked out of class, not bothering to wait for Jake. I stopped at the entrance of the school and waited for him to catch up to me. While I'm still in the exposition of the story let me introduce myself. Hello, my name is Alane Rose, and if you couldn't tell I am the narrator, main character, and protagonist of this here mind exploding story. Although... it's still the beginning so it's not so much mind exploding yet but trust me its coming dudes. Nothing in this book goes on without me, so sit back relax and read of my troubled teenage life. Jake walked toward me with an awkward expression on his face.

"Sup with you?" I said walking up to him.

"Hm? Oh, nothing why?

"I don't know you just had this weird face".

Oh... sorry...well...," He paused a moment, "Did I ever show you my new phone?" He said changing the subject.

"Yes, man like a million times! I'm SOOO happy you have the new HTS congratulations. Geeze you think you're so Steller since you can touch the holographic screen now. I'll have you know its actually rude to flaunt" I scolded walking a bit faster to keep up with him. We started walking home, and after a while, we were in front of our community library.

"Hey Jake, can we go inside real quick? I've been wanting to go inside for the longest," I begged.

He started to say something but stopped and began to walk inside. I followed him inside eagerly. You see this library was only a week old, so most of the books were new, the computers were all updated, and the building was all new and shiny. I had been wanting to go inside since its grand opening, but Jake and I had been staying at school late for track practice almost every day. This was honestly the first day that we would be able to go home early, and I knew he was probably tired, but I couldn't pass up the opportunity to see it now. Libraries were a very rare sight these days. Most of the kids our age did everything digitally and most books were on tablets (as ancient as they were), so library funding was scarce, but there were still a few of us that found libraries absolutely amazing. We both walked inside, and I was mesmerized. I know I'm such a nerd. The library was 3 stories high. The inside looked super modern, complete with chrome tables and digital library guides. The 1st floor had the circulation desk and against the wall was a touch screen catalogue finder that could show you a map of where the book you were looking for was. I smiled and walked towards where the computers were. One I found an open one I sat down and started the computer. Jake walked off to the adult section of the library (which was typical Jake). Once the computer came on a strange file immediately popped up on the screen. I'm usually not the type of naive person to open random files off a computer, but something about it made me oddly curious. Once I clicked it a message appeared that read:


If you can read this you are amongst one of the chosen ones, who will survive the climapocolypse. Our time here on earth is finally coming to an end! I am glad you have decided to join the side of justice and will give humanity the karma they deserve.

P.s. Remember that it will all go down at 9-9-9.

Sincerely, Dr. Williams

I stopped reading the screen and motioned for Jake to come over. He walked toward me.

"what?" He asked.

"I found this weird letter to someone. It says it's from Dr. Williams," I said in a hushed voice.

He looked at me then the screen then back at me again.

"Where at?"

"On the screen! Don't you see it!" I said turning toward the screen again. When I looked at it this time the message was gone, and it was just on the home screen.

"What the- Jake I swear it was right there just a second ago. Dude I swear on my life!"

He looked at me again and then squinted at the computer.

"Are you feeling alright? Maybe we should just go home...,"

I glared at him. He thought I was crazy!

"Yes, I'm feeling just fine! Jake, I'm not crazy!" I whispered harshly.

"I never said that Alane," He said brushing his hand against my cheek.

I pushed his hand away and huffed. Jake began to pick up my book bag.

"Come on love we're going home," He said grabbing my arm.

I don't need your assistance I thought to myself.

"I never said that you did," He said

I looked at him. "huh?"

"What?" He said walking off.

I shook my head and followed after him. As we walked home, I noticed Jake texting someone. I rolled my eyes. He stopped suddenly and unfortunately for me I didn't see him and bumped straight into him.

"What's wrong?"

"Did the letter that you saw in the library go something like this?" He asked and began to recite the message on his phone. It was the exact same message that I saw on the computer in the library. I was awestruck. How much creepier could this day get? All I was able to do was nod.

"Woah weird," He said shaking his head.

I just nodded again. We finally walked up to my house.

"I'll see you, tomorrow love," Jake said giving me a hug (our daily ritual). "Hey, don't worry about today. I'm sure it was nothing," He said starting toward his house which was a few houses down.

I walked inside and went to the kitchen. My mom had left food on the counter. She must have had another late night at the lab again. I decide to just take a shower and go to bed. Today was such a weird day, the whole thing felt like some crazy lucid dream.

The Four Roses: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now