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The music was still blasting through huge speakers, which didn't help with the pounding headache i had since i've been here for over an hour. dominik and izabel left me alone in the living room, where sad eyes and montana sat. i was comfortable in the floor with my drink sitting on my lap, my head was back on the arms. people started to leave the party and it was quiet than before. my eyes were closed as i sipped on my drink, the headache i had was almost close to subsiding.

"so," i jumped when sad eyes tapped me on the shoulder, "what do you think?"

"of-of what?"

he chuckled and sat back in the couch, "us. the gang." sad eyes, whose real name i learned to be was antonio guzman. "i know it must be hard to have a brother in the gang." i slowly nod my head yeah and looked over at him.

"it is," i answered quietly. "it hurts more because our father died for this gang. i don't want nik to die like our papá."

"we've got him on lock, hyna," montana laughed as he hit sad eyes' shoulder with a lazy fist. i barely smiled, learning that they love to say hyna a lot.

"yeah, he won't end up like lil' franco." i cringed when sad eyes said my dad's old gangster name. i haven't heard anyone say it in so long, and i was surprised anyone knew it still.

"people still remember his nickname," i questioned the hoodlums, who sipped on modelo especial.

"hell yeah we remember his name," montana yelled as he sat up in the couch. "he was tearing shit up with lil' ricky in the day, that cholo who made our gang."

i look at him in confusion and he laughed at me. lil' ricky, who is that? sad eyes snorted, "you've got a lot to learn, chica."

sad eyes pat my head and stood up, "lets find tommy—see if he wants to fight some." i laugh at what he said and took his place on the couch, gulping down the rest of my alcohol.

the party had died down a bit, and some people looked bored and exhausted. i sigh and rest my chin on my fist, reminiscing the parties i used to go to in arizona. they were insane and yet this one sucked, despite dominik telling me different.

after sitting by myself for a while, two girls walked up to me with red cups in their hands. one of them stood out with a beautiful curly afro and a white slip dress, which contrasted with the others style of ripped jeans and a crop top, her black hair touching the start of her waist. i straightened my back and cleared my throat as they stepped in front of me, the girl with the long hair flipping pieces behind her shoulder.

i always felt like i was ugly around others, and this just heightened that fear. these girls look like straight up models and i look like a potato; feel like one, too.

"hi," the mixed girl with the afro said as she shoved a manicured hand in my face, "i'm farrah lane and this is my girl, amina ferrero."

i shook her hand—her grip was oddly strong—and after letting go of her hand, i placed mine on my lap. i wonder if she works out? that was weird of her having such soft and feminine hands that are secretly strong and almost bone-crushing.

the girl, now known as amina, waved at me. "we saw that you were alone and wanted to say hi. what's your name?"

"uh, valentina abrantes," i cleared my throat.

"such a beautiful name! wanna go outside and see if the hombres have anything to smoke," farrah asked as she looked at me with a smile.

"thanks, uh, sure," i responded. i wasn't too sure about hanging with them, but it wouldn't hurt to make friends.

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