The Chase.

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The low hum of the vehicle was loud in Josh's ears. There was heavy traffic, and the police would be on him any second. He could turn on the siren, but that might just make him easy to find. Although traffic would pull over for him. He had a few seconds of silence, of peace. 

[One Year Ago: September 20]

Josh had woken up groggily, slapping his alarm clock off before getting dressed. It would be a long day. There were voices from downstairs. Ones he didn't recognize. Pulling a dark jacket over his grey t-shirt, he grabbed his bag and tiptoed stealthily toward the kitchen. The voices became raised and some yelling ensued. 


That voice he recognized. Uncle Dave. The idiot. Dad probably jumped the gun and told Dave about the gauntlets. Josh quit his stealth and descended the stairs normally. Sure enough, there was his dad, sitting calmly at the table, surrounded by Dave and two other people in suits and sunglasses. Labels on their chests displayed the name: Healthicorp. 

Josh wrinkled his nose at the badges, like he always did. Dumb name. 

"Stop being impatient. I know being the co-owner of a company this big is stressful, but I want to show dad before you take my hard work away. Last time you did this, Salvatork mysteriously diss-"

"SH-" Dave, with facial features akin to Josh' s father, cleared his throat, "I need this now. Healthicorp needs this. This is much bigger than you."

"Oh, I know Dave," was his father's reply. One of Dave's advisers fidgeted with his glasses. 

"What about your partner's half? You're telling me that in four years, it's only me who has been working, inventing, and slaving toward the major success of this company?" His father continued, noticing Josh and nodding toward the fridge. 

"His half has been the ones keeping the company alive! I'm trying to pull my half in sync with his! And You've done nothing! Salvatork was worthless, even if it wasn't lost!" 

"I'll give it to you tomorrow. Tonight I'm taking Josh and the gauntlets and going to dads. And shut up. You'll wake up Emily."

Dave glanced at Josh, who was getting cereal, and cleared his throat again.

"Fine," He sighed, "No need to argue anymore about this. See you tomorrow."

He headed toward the door, and his advisers followed him. Josh and his father sat silently at the kitchen table until the front door closed. 

"I'll pick you up the last hour of school, so we can go see grandpa. How's that sound?" His father said.

"Great. It'll get me out of AC," Josh replied, a mouth full of Fruit Loops. He stood up and slung his bag over his shoulder. His watch said 7:04 am. 

"Tell mom I said goodbye." He added as he walked toward the door. 

"Okay. Lündin Röt." 'Love you' in Vortredyn. 

"Love you." 

[Present Time: August 3rd/ 12:15 am]

The loud sound of siren cleared his head. Blue and Red lights flashed in his rearview mirror. Traffic was moving at a leisurely pace. 

Dammit. He searched the cockpit of his stolen vehicle quickly, looking for anything that would turn the siren on. 

Ah, here it is. The car was an older version; there was a switch and a knob right next to each other. 

He flipped the siren switch and twisted the knob. The siren blared, the loudest he'd ever heard it. The surrounding cars panicked and pulled off to the side of the road. He slammed his foot on the gas, reeling forward in the now clear lane. 

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