Chapter 9

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Sam feels guilty about Gabe reacting the way he did. Although what did Gabe expect, he thought to himself, he wasn't just going to confess his undying love that second and snog him in front of Dean and Cas. On the other hand, at least Sam now knew the true nature of Gabe's feelings.

It was something that almost made him glow with happiness, despite the awkward feelings of Gabe running away from the table. He now knew that Gabe shared his feelings ,and that was something he was never expecting. However, now he had to sort out the more pressing issue of an upset angel who currently didn't know that they were both pining after each other.

"Um, I'll go talk to Gabe, make sure he's all ok and that" Sam rambled quickly as he rushed up to Gabe's bedroom. Dean and Cas stayed sat at the table, watching Sam leave. Dean smirked at Cas, Cas retaliating by planting a kiss on Dean's lips. Dean reciprocated and soon they had both forgotten about the crisis going on between Sam and Gabe at that very moment.

Sam made his was to Gabe's bedroom and stood outside, hesitant to knock. How do you confess feelings to someone you've liked for the whole time you've known them, whilst simultaneously comforting them about how you made them feel like those feelings don't exist? Sam didn't know, but he formulated a small plan, backtracked to Dean's room to grab something and went to talk to Gabe.

"Gabe? It's Sam. Can I come in?" Sam asked after he knocked on the door. There was no answer, but Sam could hear sniffling through the door. He sighed and tried again.

"Gabe? Look things didn't go too well down at the table and you're not the only one with something to confess and- damnit Gabe would you just let me in?"

There was a sound of footprints padding to the door, and soon enough it slowly creaked open to reveal a more sombre version of the Gabe that Sam loved (not that he didn't love him like this, thought. Damn he just loved him a whole lot). Gabe gestured for Sam to come in, not making eye contact once.

Sam walked in and sat down on the desk chair, also taking great precautions not to look Gabe in the eyes, feeling awkward enough as it is. How do you come out to your crush and not feel awkward anyway? Gabe shuffled towards the bed and sat down, Sam taking this a hs que to start talking.

"I'm sorry about how I reacted to your note. It's really sweet and I just didn't know how to feel" Sam began. Gabe nodded to show he was listening and Sam continued.

"The thing is, Gabe, is that I've kind of always had a thing for you, too. Ever since we first met really I've loved to watch you talk, walk, joke and laugh. Everything you do is just intoxicating for me, and seeing this note made me realise that I might not be alone in those feelings after all."

Gabe looked up at that, his mind not really being able to comprehend what Sam was saying to him.

"You mean to say, you like me too?" Gabe questioned, just making sure that they were on the same page. He looked at Sam, who was still staring at the floor, and noticed how his long hair really did seem to glisten. He wanted to touch that hair so badly.

"Yes Gabe, yes I like you too." Sam breathed. He finally dragged his eyes off the floor to look Gabe in the eyes and he was so glad he did. Happiness and joy shone through them, and Sam's heart fluttered at the thought that he was the one that make them sparkle in that way. It was a sight he could get used to, he decided.

"You mean you like-like me?" Gabe joked, smirking now and going back to his usual happy and playful self. Sam rolled his eyes and got up, walking over to the bed and sitting down next to Gabe.

"Yes, Gabe, I like-like you" Sam sighed, more with fondness than exasperation. "And I bought something that might help us out too."

Gabe watched as Sam reached into his pocket and brought out the piece of mistletoe that had been hanging about Dean's door earlier that day. Gabe chuckled as Sam held it above their heads.

"You're such a romantic sap, Sasquatch" said Gabe as he and Sam finally closed the gap between them.

At long last, both of them were getting what they wanted. As their lips gently brushed against each other, Gabe threaded a hand up between Sam's long hair, tugging gently as they kissed on the bed. Sam gripped Gabe's waist with the hand he wasn't using to hold up the mistletoe and sighed happily into the kiss.

They lost track of how long they were kissing for, but by the end of it, Sam knew one thing for certain:

This was the best Secret Santa gift he's ever had.

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