Chapter 2

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As soon as Gabe shut the bunker door, he clicked his fingers and him and Sam were standing outside the store. Gabe winked at Sam and then sauntered inside, grabbing a cart as he went. Sam shook his head, smiled and followed the angel inside.

"So Gabe, what actually is your plan here?" asked Sam once he had caught up with Gabe in the candy aisle. He had already filled up half the cart with candy and chocolate and was currently making the decision between Twizzlers and Red Vines.

"Isn't it obvious, moose boy?" Said Gabe as he picked up both packets and dumped them in the trolly. When he was met with silence, he looked up into Sam's clueless eyes. He stopped for a few seconds before shaking his feelings off and answering the look of confusion on Sam's face.

"You'll see, tall one, you'll see" Gabe then jumped into the trolley, on top of all his candy, pointed forwards and yelled "Onwards Sasquatch, to the Christmas aisle!"

"Gabe! Get out or we'll be thrown out the store" Sam peered around to make sure no one was coming their way.

"Oh come on Sam, where's your sense of fun? You know you want to" whined Gabe as he playfully pushed Sam, trying to get him to go forwards. Sam took one look at Gabe's attempt to recreate his signature puppy dog eyes, sighed and gave in. He took one last look around, took a few steps backwards and sprinted forwards, jumping onto the back of the cart as he went. His hair flew backwards as they glided past the cereal and frozen food, his smile stretching from ear to ear. Sam had no idea what Dean and Cas were doing at the bunker, but he was sure that it wasn't as fun as this

--At the Bunker---

Cas was staring at Dean.

Dean was staring at Cas.

"We should put some tinsel around the room"

"Isn't that tinsel meant for the tree Dean?"

"Oh yeah..."

--Back to the grocery store--

Sam finally rounded the corner to the christmas aisle, laughing and smiling more than he had in a long time. Gabe jumped out of the cart and spun around to look at Sam. They stared at each other for a few seconds laughing and smiling. Sam suddenly snapped back to reality and stared at the ground, his cheeks going a light shade of pink. Gabe noticed the change in attitude and quickly turned to walk down the aisle.

"You grab some more fairy lights, I'm just going to grab something" Gabe said as he walked off, looking at all the decorations on display. Sam quickly located the lights and found a pack that had tiny angels on them. He thought Gabe would like them, and so he threw them into the cart, along with a few packets of normal lights as well. Just as he finished, Gabriel came back into view, holding something behind his back. As Sam went to reach for it, Gabe pulled backwards, a look of mischief across his face.

"Not yet Sasquatch, you'll have to wait and see!" Smirked Gabe as they went off to pay for their items. Once they had payed, they staggered out of the store with their many bages (most of them full of Gabe's candy), Gabe clicked his fingers and they were back outside the bunker in an instant.

Under the Mistletoe (Destiel and Sabriel Christmas fic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon