Chapter 5

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--A few days later--

The bunker was now fully decorated for christmas. Tinsel was hung from every location the boys could reach. It twinkled in the light from every angle so the room constantly looked like a disco, the different colours of tinsel being their personal disco ball.

The tree towered above them, the lights (badly) strung around it. Dea had made sure that the angel ones had been placed properly at the bottom, Cas helping him and occasionally placing a kiss on his cheek as they worked. Gabriel had dug out some baubles and him and Sam had worked together to spread them about the tree, Gabe using Sam as a step ladder to reach the top.

There had been disagreements as to what should be on the top of the tree. The Winchester brothers, despite Dean’s fondness towards his angel, argued that a star should be on top. Obviously, the two angels had disagreed and wanted and angel on top. The disagreement was soon sorted by Sam, who used his craft skills to take the halo off of an angel tree topper and replaced it with a star because (as Cas had reminded them many times) angels didn’t have halo’s.

There wasn’t much decoration about the rest of the bunker, minus the tinsel. However, above Dean and Cas’ room, there was a certain piece of mistletoe. Dean had sworn it was just for sentimental purposes, but Cas was pretty sure it was so Dean had an excuse to kiss him every time they walked in the room.

Cas and Dean’s newly developed relationship had relieved a lot of tension from the house. No longer were there awkward staring sessions between the two of them that lasted ages and were painful for everyone spectating. Instead, these had been replaced with random kisses in the hallway, making breakfast in the arms of the other, late night make-out session that Gabe and Sam swore they couldn’t hear (in reality, they could hear, and it was disturbing).

However, another longing had replaced the absence of Dean and Cas’. Sam and Gabe wouldn’t directly stare at each other, but Dean had quite often caught Sam staring at Gabe as he made food. Dean gave Sam “the look” resulting in Sam turning bright red and throwing a bitch face back. Cas had caught Gabe staring at Sam on multiple occasions, most memorable was when Sam had been working out and Gabe was “reading” next to him. Surprisingly, Gabe’s eyes were not focused on the words in front of him.

It wasn’t until one christmas evening that Dean and Cas really noticed the extent of Sam and Gabe’s longing for each other. The four of them were sat on the couch watching a christmas film. Dean was on one end of the couch, Cas sitting on his lap, both of them snuggled under a warm blanket. Dean was absentmindedly playing with Cas’ hair when he let his eyes wander over to the other side of the couch. Having started about a meter apart, Gabe was now leaning on Sam, his head resting on his shoulder.

Dean nudged Cas and pointed towards the two of them, Cas smirked and watched as Sam moved his arm around Gabe’s shoulder. The movie went on and Sam and Gabe got closer, and by the end of the film Gabe was practically on Sam’s lap. As the end credits started to play, Sam and Gabe seemed to become aware of their situation and briskly moved apart, Sam stood up and exclaimed that he was just:

“Going to grab a drink from the kitchen”

Gabe sat still for a minute before saying goodnight and heading for his room. Cas turned to look at Dean with a knowing look, and was greeted with a mischievous smile that was starting to creep across Dean’s face.

Under the Mistletoe (Destiel and Sabriel Christmas fic)Where stories live. Discover now