• 10 •

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True happiness,
Was a sacrifice..
I was willing to make.


Entering the cafe, my eyes scan through the room thoroughly for any signs of Mr Latsis. I walk awkwardly through the array of  tables in hope to find him. My neck cranes flying different angles in hope to find a tanned black haired man.

My phone beeps suddenly.

Mr Oh Latsis: I'm at the backyard. Hugó will take you there.

"Well you should have told me long ago" I mutter under my breath. I look around already getting weird stares from people- I surely didn't fit in.

I notice a well built or much rather hefty man come in from the door leading to the kitchen. Is he the one? He continues to progress towards my position, and in realization I nod.

"Follow me." The man, Hugó retreats pulling me to his front. "Walk."

"Umm.. Sorry, where to?" I question the man suspiciously. If there was something I learnt from my past experience, it was that I should ask questions and not come to conclusions.

"Mr Latsis is waiting for you. He requests that you join him." Hugó explains, still not in my view.

"Oo- okay" I respond walking straight to the door which he had entered from. I notice states ok me from the crowd seated which makes me anxious.

Hugó  moves in front- pushing the door open. Once we move through, I'm met with an empty room- apart from bags of coffee piled at the side of the room.

"This way, miss" he gestures to the door at the right end.

"Mm." This time, I pull the iron cast door open, leading to an open view at the backyard. The cool morning air winding through my body even though I had worn some extra covering. Just because it hadn't snowed for over a week, it could get freezing cold on some occasions.

"So where is he?" I speak up after some moments of standing.

"He's waiting for you in the car," Hugó gives an actual response which I've learnt from the few minutes with him that- he isn't the type to talk a lot.

We continue to walk further into the paved open ground until we reach a more narrow road-  sort of like a tunnel, but the top was enclosed by trees which had been trimmed, this could fit only one car. I squint my eyes a bit as the sun began to pour in my direction.

I finally take notice of a black SUV parked at least thirty feet away from me. Hugó speeds up his pace now walking in front of me. We reach the completely tinted shiny black car, and he touches on the door- it automatically opening.

On its opening, my eyes come in contact with a tanned browned eye man whose looks could have you feel threatened. I feign a small smile, averting my gaze.

"Get in." He says, well more like ordered.

I breath heavily, sliding into the car. The door closes and I'm left dumbfounded.. did it shut on its own?  I take a moment to take in the view of the interior- dark wood door frames, brown leather seats and a touch of red on the front dressings.

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