⊱⊰ 49: Reunion ⊱⊰

Start from the beginning

"I'm sure there's another way to impress your people," said Arisa, remembering the reason why he was after her. "Do you remember what I told you at the playground, eight years ago? We could be the first step to bring peace between our people."

Zen gazed back at her. For the first time in this encounter, she saw an expression in him. He looked surprised.

"We were kids back then," he said, his tone emotionless. "That was nothing but a foolish child's dream."

Arisa's fingers curled around his cold hand. "It can be a foolish dream, but we can make that dream come true."

Arisa felt his hand wrap around her fingers, holding her hand. Her heart skipped for a second. She breathed in, trying to calm herself. Another silence fell for a few seconds before he dropped her hand.

"You don't understand." Zen looked away. "How can we bring peace between our people if I won't become a King? You're the only obstacle that is putting my future at stake."

Something tightened in Arisa's chest as she heard those words.

"You don't have to become a King to prove your people that people from different countries can get along," said Arisa.

Zen shook his head. "You don't understand. I have to become a King."

"Why?" Arisa asked.

Zen didn't reply and avoided her gaze. With nothing else to say, Arisa quickly wrapped her arms around him.

"Please don't let me do this, Zen," she said, her voice cracking. "You know very well that I have trouble killing even the most dangerous opponent. I would rather die than killing one of my dearest friends."

For a few seconds, she hid her head on his chest. He then curled his arms around her, tightly hugging her back. With her heart skipping, Arisa hoped that she had convinced him, but the heaviness pulling her heart told her otherwise. Zen was about to take her life.

A bomb of emotions spread within her. With a tear rolling down her cheek, she kept her head hidden on his chest and tightened her arms around him. As she had told him, she would rather die than killing him. She closed her eyes, accepting her fate.

"I'm sorry," he said, his tone emotionless. "Unfortunately we were never meant to be. The Drageul bloodline must continue to rule the kingdom."

Arisa sobbed. Realizing that years of their friendship meant nothing for him to choose the throne over her. As a few seconds passed, Arisa could feel Zen's blade ready to pierce her back.

"Arisa," called a familiar voice, "no!"

Arisa and Zen fell on their knees as a strong force pulled them down on the grassy ground. Arisa heard a clanking sound as Zen's sword fell on the soil. Still hiding her head on his chest, Arisa felt as if her molecules had mixed with the air surrounding her. A short second later, she found herself, kneeling by a giant tree not far from her spot.

"Arisa," called Kazuya by her side.

Arisa turned around and saw the white armored Kazuya. She wiped away the tears that wouldn't stop flowing.

Kazuya hugged her. "Thank goodness you're okay. I'm so glad I crossed paths with you in time."

"Kazuya," said Arisa, sobbing, "I'm sorry."

She tried to wipe away her tears. Only now she realized that she would have left important people behind if she allowed Zen to take her life. She wouldn't see her grandparents' smile again or the cheerful Haruki family.

A chuckle broke the brief silence. "And the knight in shining armor shows up again."

Kazuya dropped his arms from Arisa and stood up. Arisa gazed at the dark-haired boy shakily standing up on the spot not far from them.

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