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Roses... you know I never really thought of roses as an important object. In fact, I never really thought of roses at all, they were just flowers. A silly gift your boyfriend gives you or something the church pins on you for Mother's Day if your mom is alive. Then again, I never really thought of the end of the world either. It was almost just as absurd. I had way more important things to worry about, like high school, SAT and STKT scores, college scholarships and how-to Bantu knot out my hair in time for graduation. But unfortunately, in this generation, quite a few people were concerned about the end of the world and it was quite a few important people. These people are so obsessed with the end of the world that we have a monthly drill for each specific natural and manmade disaster that could ever possibly occur. Yeah. The movie 2012 doesn't have anything on this.

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