Chapter one

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Emma's POV.

"Goodbye Claire congrats on getting a family."I said as I hugged my best friend. She had just gotten adopted. She's so lucky. I've been here for 6 years. She was my only friend and now she's gone.

"Thanks and don't worry you'll find a family too." She said. Yea right I thought. My parents didn't want me so they threw me here. My My hair is gone because of my cancer. Yes if you didn't know that I do have cancer.

"Come on girls hurry up or I swear!" The wench who I hate so much screamed. You know miss Hanagine from Annie? Well Miss Jenna, the caretaker of the foster/orphanage is literally her twin.

"Or you'll what make us clean till we can't feel our hands?" I yelled at her. I could honestly care less if what she thinks. She then handed me a mop.

"Here take this and go to the roof and take your little friends and scrub it until it shines like the top of the Chrysler building!" I sighed. As we went up one girl pushed me.

"Way to go Emma can't you just keep your big mouth shut for once?" I ignored her. We started to scrub. We like to sing a lot to take our minds off of things. No one was singing so I started it off.

"It's a hard knock life for us

It's a hard knock life for us

Static treated

We get kicked

Static kisses

We get tricked

It's a hard knock life." Other girls started to sing with me And dance. Lots of the girls say I have an amazing voice but I doubt it. We all started to sing and dance as if we were in a musical.

"Don't it feel like the wind is always howling

Don't it seem like there's never any light

Once a day don't you wanna throw the towel in

It's easier than putting up a fight." We got rags and started to shake them around and throw them.

"Empty belly life

Rotten smelly life

Full of sorrow life

No tomorrow life

Santa Claus we never see

Santa Claus what's that who's he

No one cares for you a bit

When your a foster kid it's a hard knock life." A little girl named Abby who I admire a lot loves to pretend she's Miss Jenna so you can totally guess she loves singing this part of the song.

"Make my bathroom shine but don't touch my medicine cabinet!" For fun I pretended to hit her with a broom while everyone laughed. Then we all started to sing again.

"It's a hard knock life (get the whiskers off her chin)

It's a hard knock life (jab her with a safety pin)

It's a hard knock life (send her to the living den)

No one cares for you a bit

When your a foster kid it's a hard knock life

It's a hard knock life!" Once we finished cleaning which took over 3 hours we went downstairs and watched tv. I honestly hate how hard it is to pick a channel. You may think it's torture when you and your sibling fight over which channel to watch well try having over 50 girls and one small tv. Oh yea it's harsh.

"Wait wait wait turn it on channel 12 Taylor Swift is on!" One girl called. I groaned.

"No we had to watch her last night!" I yelled. I don't like taylor at all. I just think she's all about fame and not about the fans.

"Okay let's vote all in favor of watching taylor say I." Mary said. Don't get me wrong I love Mary it's just she's too oh what's the word oh yea nice! She does this all in favor thing every time.

"I" everyone said. I sighed. They changed it and Taylor and she was talking about her new album.

"Ugh this is torture!" I yelled as I leaned my head back.

"Don't say I didn't say I didn't warn you!" I looked to my right and saw the swifties fangirling. I groaned.

"I'm going to bed." I said getting up.

"Are you sure it's only 8:30." Mary said. I nodded. I got into the covers and went to sleep.


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