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You: You don't understand how glad you should be!

Colby: Y/n I-

You: Did you even think at all about how the others feel?!

Colby: Let me explain

Colby lifted himself from the uncomfortable hospital bed to try and get your attention.

Colby: I didn't want any of this to happen

He stated in an upsetting tone.

You: Than why did you let it happen?

He placed your hand in his and squeezed it tight before letting out a small sigh.

Colby: It was real stupid honestly

Colby: After we broke up, Sam and a lot of others heard and to help me cope with it they took me out to this bar where we all got extremely wasted. We were all hungover the next day of course but something just stuck with me and that was the amazing feeling of how the alcohol trickled down my throat. I felt like I could do anything when I felt like that but I didn't realize it was hurting me. I should have known before that alcohol does that too you but I didn't care at the moment and you see where that ended up. I really don't want you blaming yourself if you're about to say such a thing. I should've known my boundaries yet I went over the extent. I am so so sorry y/n you don't even understand. And I would have absolutely freaked out over this if you were in this situation. I love you y/n.

Everything froze as it felt as if time had stopped. Yes, Colby may be in a hospital with tons of wires stuck to him but this moment felt perfect to you. Lips attached. It wasn't a rough kiss, but a gentle one to appreciate the love that generated from the both of you.

Time may have been spent apart from each other but time is nothing too the both of you.

This moment is right here, right now. So live life to the fullest.

Mr. Brock // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now