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Arkyn and Bonnie were walking through the quarter, neither of them wanting to bring up their past.
"I have really missed you." Bonnie grabbed his hand. "I didn't know it was possible to miss someone so much."
"I think I have you beat. I thought you were dead for over eight months."
"I didn't think I was going to come back at first."
"And to think all that time you were stuck with Damon." Bonnie laughed.
"That's actually kind of a funny story. We're actually friends now."
"Damon?" Arkyn asked apprehensively.
"I know. I didn't see that coming either. But he was basically the only other person in the whole world. He grows on you." She explained and turned to him. "What about you and Klaus?"
"Oh, don't get me wrong, he's still an ass, but he's different. There's something he cares about more than himself. He has a child and I'm pretty sure it's what's going to make him a better man."
"Who'd have thought?"
"Yeah. He's not quite there yet, but I've seen him be selfless for her sake."
"I'll take your word for it. How are Lex and Xave?" She asked, tentatively.
"They're okay. Better than. They're off at college, beginning to figure out the rest of their lives."
"And how are you?" She asked. He smiled at her.
"I'm fine."
"Caroline told me about Kol."
"She did?"
"I'm sorry you had to lose him. Again."
"He died once and came back. I have to believe he'll find his way back again one day."
"I'm sure he will. He cared a lot about you."
"How long are you staying?" He asked and she looked away.
"I... don't know. I know I have to go back to Mystic Falls sooner or later. I didn't really think things through. I just wanted to come see you."
"And leave without telling me you're here."
"I... saw you with Caitlyn and I figured maybe seeing me was the last thing you'd need."
"Caitlyn and I are really just friends." She nodded. "I'm guessing you also don't have a place to stay?"
"I didn't think things through, I told you. I literally just got in my car and came to find you."
"Come on, let me show you someplace to stay."
"Uh... are you staying with Klaus?"
"Oh no, I'm not taking you to Klaus." She breathed a sigh of relief.
"No offence, it's just... well it's Klaus and me and... Klaus." She repeated.
"I know, I get it. I'm not taking you to Klaus. I just thought maybe you'd like a stroll down memory lane."
"The apartment?"
"I'm pretty sure it's still available to book." He said.
"I'd like that." She smiled. He began to lead her away when his phone rang. He looked at it and frowned.
"One second. It's Rebekah." He answered.
"Ark, where are you?" She asked.
"Why? What's wrong now?"
"Can you come meet me at Marcel's loft?"
"Yes, now. I need your help. Some witches just attacked me."
"Send me the address. I'll be there soon." He said and hung up.
"What's wrong?"
"Rebekah was attacked."
"By who? She's an original."
"She's kind of just a witch right now."
"Would you like to come? Or do you want to get settled first."
"I'll come. Your siblings are going to have to know I'm here sooner or later."
"You don't have to, you know? I can make sure you never cross paths with any of them."
"No, that's okay. I'm not here to hide." She told him and he nodded.

They got to Marcel's loft, and Arkyn immediately looked at his sister.
"Are you okay? What happened?"
"I'm fi-" she stopped. "What is she doing here? I thought she was dead."
"Rebekah?" Bonnie asked. "Woah."
"Arkyn!" Rebekah glared at her brother.
"You were attacked. Let's focus on that. Who attacked you?"
"Witches in the Tremé. They recognised me. Not me, me. This body, me."
"Are you hurt?"
"No. Marcel helped me fend them off."
"More like completely saved your ass."
"No need to get into technicalities. I'm okay. Your turn. Why is Bonnie Bennett alive and in New Orleans?"
"I was never dead. Not really. More trapped in an empty world."
"So why are you here?"
"I wanted to see Ark."
"That's funny." Rebekah glared.
"Bex." Arkyn looked at her pointedly.
"Does Nik know she's here?"
"Not yet."
"Not yet."
"How long has she been here?"
"I got here a few hours ago."
"I wasn't talking to you."
"You were talking about me."
"Rebekah, please."
"I wonder how Lex and Xavier would react to knowing she's here."
"So these witches who attacked you- we should find out why."
"I don't think you'll get any answers with a please and thank you. They wanted me dead, Ark."
"If we want answers, we need to ask Josephine LaRue. She serves as matriarch to the covens outside the Quarter. She'll know who wants Rebekah dead." Marcel spoke up.
"How can you be sure?" Rebekah asked.
"She bankrolls Fauline Cottage. She'll know who you are and why you were locked up in there."
"And what if she wants to lock me right back up? I won't go back to that horrid place-"
"You know I won't let that happen." Arkyn cut her off. "Why don't the two of you go and see what you can find about this body and I will pay a visit to Josephine." He reached for his sister. "Bex, you are not who you once were. This body is vulnerable. Please, be careful."
"Josephine is an eccentric old bat with no love for vampires. I don't think you'll be any different."
"If anyone can get on the good side of a vampire hating witch, it's Ark." Bonnie looked at him fondly.
"Well, we all know how that worked out the last time." Rebekah glared at Bonnie. Arkyn sent her another look and she huffed. He looked over at Marcel, leaning forward.
"Protect her with your life. If any harm should befall my sister, I'm holding you personally responsible." He said in a low voice. Marcel shrugged him off. He turned to Rebekah. "I'll see you soon, Bex."
"Lose the accessory next time." She said and he rolled his eyes before leaving with Bonnie.
"That went about as well as I expected." She remarked.
"Hopefully my brothers will be less disastrous."
"Elijah's never anything less than civil, even when he's being a dick."
"And Klaus is unpredictable. It's safe to say he won't want to see you anywhere near Hope, but aside from that I honestly don't know how he'll react."

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