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By the next month, Klaus had called his sister again. He had told them of his predicament- how his child was being hunted. Rebekah and Arkyn both headed out. As much as Arkyn loved the idea of cutting Klaus out of his life, he couldn't deny his brother had changed. There was finally something he cared about more than himself. Arkyn and Rebekah met their brother, farther away from New Orleans. Klaus looked surprised to see Arkyn there.
"Hello sister." He greeted Rebekah and nodding at Arkyn. "Brother."
"Oh, she looks like her mother. Maybe there is a God after all." Rebekah cooed, looking at the baby.
"Well, she has a hint of the devil in her eyes. That's all me." Klaus let out a sad laugh. "I need a witch you can trust to cast a cloaking spell."
"Alexis will help." Arkyn vowed.
"No one can ever find her." Klaus said.
"We know what to do, Nik. Perhaps we'll get a white fence." Rebekah wondered. "I think that would be lovely." Klaus held his daughter one last time, as made her a promise.
"This city would have seen you dead. But, I will have it your home. And every soul who wishes you harm will be struck down, just as sure as my blood runs in your veins. You will return to me." He kissed her forehead and cheek before handing her to his sister. Then, he gave Rebekah and the baby the tiny wooden knight that he carved for Rebekah when they were human, causing Rebekah to grab his hand and start to cry. "In spite of our differences, there is no one I would trust more with my daughter's life." He looked at his siblings hugging Rebekah. "Be happy, sister."
"She will be happy, Nik. I promise. What's her name?"
"Hope." He finally said. "Her name is Hope."
"Fitting." Arkyn remarked.
"I'll just go put her in the car." Rebekah said, walking away.
"I'm sorry." Arkyn said. "That you have to give her up. That kind of pain- not even you deserve it."
"Yes, I do. All of this, it's because of me. My actions have consequences and I'm finally paying the price."
"You always get what you want, Nik. But this time, I can honestly say that I sincerely hope that you do so that we can bring her back to you."
"Thank you." Klaus held out his hand, but Arkyn pushed it away, giving his brother a hug instead.
"I will protect her with my life, Nik."
"You're calling me Nik."
"I guess maybe my brother isn't so dead after all. I'm proud of you. You'll make a good father."
"I doubt that, but I appreciate the sentiment."
"You care about her, Nik. You care about her enough to do anything to keep her safe, no matter how difficult. The rest will come with time, and I know you'll do anything to get her back home. So however long it takes, days or weeks, even months, you will get her again, and you will prove me right."
"I know I've never done anything to deserve this-"
"Definitely not."
"But thank you."
"See you later, Nik." Klaus smiled and nodded. It wasn't a goodbye. Arkyn truly had faith his brother would clean up the city, which only made him that much more determined to.

Arkyn and Rebekah were in the car when he got a call. It was Caroline. He picked up hesitantly, keeping her on loudspeaker as he drove.
"Hi Caroline." He said.
"Hey." She said sadly.
"Caroline, what's wrong?"
"Um, are you driving?"
"Yeah. Rebekah dragged Lex and I out for dinner."
"Oh. Um, can I talk to you for a sec? Like, can you stop." Arkyn parked his car. He got out and stood by his car.
"What's up?"
"It's Bonnie." She said. "She's dead."
"She was the anchor to the other side, and when it disintegrated, she died too, and I don't think she's coming back this time." He didn't reply, silently mourning her as a tear tracked down his cheek. "Ark."
"Yeah, I'm still here." He said. "Thanks... for letting me know."
"I'm sorry."
"Yeah, me too." He said and they were both silent for a while.
"Would it be okay? If I... borrowed your basement."
"Yeah, of course." He said. "Have at it. I have to go though."
"Yeah of course."
"Goodbye Caroline." He said and hung up. He didn't go straight back to the car, standing outside for a little longer. Rebekah came out to join him. She looked at him sympathetically, and gave him a hug.
"I know you loved her." She said simply. "And I know she loved you."
"Thank you."
"I really am sorry, Arkyn."
"Come on. We gotta get going. Having her out in the open isn't safe. At least not until we've cloaked her."
"You can take a second to mourn." She disagreed. He shook his head and pulled away from her, heading back to the car. He let Rebekah drive the rest of the way.

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